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What Motivates Me to Study

WHAT MOTIVATES ME TO STUDYTo begin, I am definitely motivated to study by my family and the people around me that care about me and how I “end up” per-say. To be the person that I thought I would be when I was a child is also very motivating for me. I want to do this myself, accomplish important goals” I want to see the whole light at the end of the tunnel not just a sparkle of light. I know that I have a very long road ahead of me but I know that I will get there. I have realist goals that I have set for myself one class at a time. When the time comes that I have a few setbacks, I won’t worry that I cannot finish or I won’t come back to finish school, because I will. Being committed to completing school and accomplishing my goal of being a businessman would be the ultimate prize for me.
Otherwise, I need to know I am going to gain something from it. I know that going back to school and getting my diploma will better help my me get a better career and will benefit my family in the long run. I see myself making goals and visualizing me with my diploma. I always prepare myself for something coming up and slowing me down which it has in the past. Real life experiences have knocked me down more than once and I can justify on past experiences. I have been laid off first because I had no diploma in my past and I look back at that and it motivates me a great deal to keep going forward with school. I like to learn new stuff and accept challenges in a new job or learning something new.
I think what content that motivates me the most me the most to learn is Practical context. It is hard for me to just go do something without knowing I am going to benefit from it. I am the type that has to have someone push me or set me straight. For example I went on a job interview and they really liked my experience and skills but told me I wasn’t going to work out because they needed someone with a BA degree and told me that once I got so many credits under my belt they would…


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