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Violence in Schools

Violence in Schools
In today’s society we try to blame school violence on anything and everything no matter how untrue the speculations are for the cause. The primary blame for violence in the school should be placed on the perpetrators of violence themselves or on the schools conditions that push students to commit violent acts. The different causes could include the retaliation factor against bullies, the influence of violence in video games, and the portrayal of violence in movies today. One of the most famous cases to date would be the shooting that occurred at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. This is one major example of bullying to a sense.Bullying is one of the main reason why kids today are considered too angry. The fact that they’re using violence to release that anger is no excuse not to hold them accountable for their actions. There are better ways to deal with a bully rather than resort to violence as which has been the case numerous times. Although it has not been proven, bullying is more often used as a scare tactic by the aggressors. In addition to the bullying factor, the influence of violence in video games can be a contributing part as well.The so called gamers in today’s society are the prime suspects in these senseless acts of violence towards their peers. It is a well-known fact that there are a lot video games that rate violence as their selling point. They let the violence of imaginary worlds influence their daily lives. It is also said that many of the suspects uses the more violent games as a portrayal of their actual violent attacks in the schools. This is inexcusable in every sense of the word as should be a main factor in the prosecution of those responsible. Though it is not always that single factor, as the portrayal of violence in movies is well documented also. The violence in today’s movies are one of, if not the biggest reasons why a lot of these school shootings happen. The fact of being the violent…


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