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The societies need babies and the adults have duties to happen their sexual behavior in order to stabilize the families in which the children grow up in (Gallagher). Children need guidance, and a place to grow, learn and understand about the world while being be loved and that is why “All kids need and deserve a married mom and dad. All parents are supposed to at least try to behave in ways that will give their own children this important protection” (Gallagher). This shows the true meaning of family, which is a married mother and father and their biological children living together.

If same sex marriage is legal then it will harm children because it ill increase sexual confusion and sexual experimentation and even children from traditional homes will be influenced by the all sexual options. They will grow up thinking that it doesn’t matter for them to whom one relates to sexually or marries. As a result, marriage is a place where having children is welcomed and encouraged not tolerated because it gives them mothers and fathers (Gallagher).

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This is why that same sex marriage should be forbidden due to the sexual confusion and sexual experimentation which allows children to marry whether they are gay or not will be a problem to the next future generation. Another reason same sex marriage should not be legalized is because children can receive physical abuse from same sex parents. Children who live with homosexual couples witness conflict over infidelity, domestic violence and see it as a normal part of marriage (Dent). Also researchers have found that the ideal family structure for children is to be raised by both mother and father (Hansen). Although the research on same-sex parenting is very limited, some of it suggests that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually confused and to experiment with sex” (Hansen). This shows that children should not be raised with homosexual couples due to this misunderstandings. Furthermore, if same sex is allowed then it will open the door for other types of non-traditional marriage such as polygamous relationships (Hansen) and it can affect children’s future; therefore same sex marriage should not be legal.

A final reason for opposing same sex marriage is because legalizing same sex marriage would encourage no parents for a child. “Same sex marriage would enshrine in law a public judgment that the desire of adults for families f choice outweighs the need of children for mothers and fathers. It would give sanction and approval to the creation of a motherless or fatherless family as a deliberately chosen “good. ” It would mean the law was neutral as to whether children had mothers and fathers. Motherless and fatherless families would be deemed just fine (Gallagher).

This shows the negative effect on children because this quote specifically states that legalizing same sex marriage would encourage either no mother or father for a child. As a result, same sex marriage should not legal due to this reason. It destroys the meaning of family, and affects children in their academic performances and personalities. Society should not be changed by the issue of same sex marriage. Some studies have found the evidence that the children that are raised by their married biological parents are best which they are known as the higher socioeconomic status (Dent).

This conclusion, has raised the question of the cause and effect. “A classic justification for marriage is that having a wife and the presence or prospect of children motivates a man to earn more money and achieve higher status” (Dent). This shows that the higher socioeconomic tutus of married couples are the true result of marriage (Dent). In addition, this also shows the positive outcome of opposing same sex marriage because having a wife and the presence or prospect of children motivates a man to earn more money and achieve higher status and that is a fact.

Family in general are the ones who share a bloodline or relation through marriage and it’s a group of individuals living and caring for one another. Having a family will give a man motivation to take care and protect his family. Without a family through heterosexual marriage there will be an enormous conflict with rotational families. At last, a final reason that same sex marriage should not be secured IS because it destroys society. Society needs family in order to survive. This occurs through heterosexual marriage not same sex marriage. Same sex marriage denies this principle because it’s deep logic is that a family is whatever we can say it is and it changes the meaning of marriage “for everyone” (Reach). Same sex marriage can change the whole idea of marriage and force the traditional marriages to be extinct. In addition “As society becomes increasingly focused on individual and immediate transitory desires, ether than on the perpetuation of life and a commitment to the future, the consequences, of same sex marriage maybe severe indeed” (Wilkins).


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