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All posts tagged Philosophy

Philosophy – Hume

In explaining Hume’s critique of the belief in miracles, we must first understand the definition of a miracle. The Webster Dictionary defines a miracle as: a supernatural event regarded as to define action, one of the acts worked by Christ which revealed his divinity an extremely remarkable achievement or event, . . . Read more

Political Philosophy

Political philosophy’s are the theories and ideas of those who believe thatthey have an answer to the questions that politics raise in society. Thequestions that these political philosophers set out to answer range fromdescribing what the state of nature is to what type of regimes are necessary totame and organize . . . Read more

Philosophy – The Only Truth Existing

“We are, then, faced with a quite simple alternative: Either we deny that there is here anything that can be called truth – a choice that would make us deny what we experience most profoundly as our own being; or we must look beyond the realm of our “natural” experience . . . Read more

Elements of Moral Philosophy

This first chapter ofby James Rachels begins by attempting to define morality. This is a difficult task since so many possible and rival definitions exist, therefore the common ground can be defined as only the minimum conception and although it is not immediately defined, the reader of Elements of Moral . . . Read more

The Life ; Philosophy Of Friedrich Nietzsche (1823 words)

The Life & Philosophy of Friedrich NietzscheannonBorn: 1844. Rocken, GermanyDied: 1900. Weimar, GermanyMajor Works: The Gay Science (1882),Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1883-1885),Beyond Good & Evil (1886),On the Genealogy of Morals (1887),MAJOR IDEASSelf deception is a particularly destructive characteristic ofWest Culture. Life is The Will To Power; our natural desire is to . . . Read more

Religion, Philosophy, And Scientific Thinking

During the seventeenth century, many philosophers formulated new ideas that would consequently change the beliefs of the common man. The “thinkers” of the Renaissance Period have the way 17th Century man to the current world. In short, the world viewed religion, philosophy, and science in a very different way by . . . Read more

Philosophy (1635 words)

PhilosophyWhen I was born, I did not know the difference between right and wrong. Now, I do. The word philosophy means the love of knowledge. One type of knowledge is propter quid, which ask the question why or how. In this paper, I will demonstrate how Socrates, Hume and Aristotle, . . . Read more

Philosophy Questions and Answers

Name:Instructor:Course:Date:Philosophy QuestionsQuestion 23Cultural relativism refers to the view that no culture is greater to another culture especially when distinguishing systems of law, politics, and morality. It refers to the philosophical idea that all cultural values and beliefs are important and the truth is relative. Individuals who support the view believe . . . Read more


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