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Destruction to the body E. Addiction ; Alcohol poisoning is a severe condition due to over consumption of alcohol , causing mental confusion, vomiting, seizures, slow breathing irregular breathing, or hypothermia. ; It depresses your nerves that control your involuntary actions like breathing and triggers the gag reflex, which helps you prevent from choking. ; The symptoms may cause death as such as choking on ones vomit, or not awaking from a coma. Drunk driving is very ungenerous to ones self and citizens around you because actions are involuntary. ; You are able to be behind the wheel at sixteen years old so it does not give the driver efficient time to be behind the wheel. ; The dehydrate increases every year, especially for young teens. Losing control of the wheel such as swerving, can lead to an accident. ; Violent behavior due to over consumption , can send people to the hospital, cause unnecessary emotions more focused on anger. ; It can effect friends and even family, especially at a young age and you can’t control your liquor amount.

It can effect the life ones lifestyle and you might attack someone close to you. Destruction of the body focusing mostly on liver , this second most important organ processes your bodies food and liquid , it even breaks down liquor . Lofty drink more liquor than it can process, that opens many doors to liver diseases. ; Symptoms of liver diseases are liver cancer, kidney failure, internal bleeding and even brain disorders that could lead to a coma.

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