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Maslow”s Biological Factors vs’ Humanistic Theory

In this paper I will try to explain the use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to discuss the extent to which growth needs influence personality formation, also describe biological factors that influence the formation of personality. Examine the relationship of biological factors to Maslow’s theory of personality, explained the basic aspect of humanistic theory that are incompatible with biological explanations of personality. Abraham Maslow developed the hierarchy of needs theory still remain valid today for understanding human motivation, management training, and personal development.

Maslow’s ideas surrounding the hierarchy of needs concerning the responsibility of employers to provide a fulfill their own unique potential are today more relevant than ever. Abraham Maslow’s published a book in 1954 call motivation and personality, a 2nd edition came out in 1970 introduced down hierarchy of needs and Maslow’s in this later book it was towards a psychology of being eight significant and relevant commentary, and this book has also been recently revised by Richard Lowry who is known as motivational psychology.

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Maslow’s hierarchy of needs ice ages is clearly and directly attributable to Maslow’s; later versions of the theory with added motivational stages are not so clearly attributable to Maslow’s.. Specifically Maslow refers to the needs cognitive, Aesthetic and Transcendence as additional aspects of motivation, but not as distinct levels in the Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is with more than five levels these models have been extended through interpretation of Maslow’s work by other people.

These augmented models and diagrams are known as the adapted seven-stage hierarchy of Needs. The diagrams on this page are Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the form of pyramid diagrams and models below. Interestingly in Maslow’s book motivation and personality, which first introduced the Hierarchy of needs, there is not a pyramid to be seen. (original five-stage model) ? h Abraham Maslow hierarchy of needs to explain how these needs motivate us all, our most basic needs are inborn having evolved over tens of thousands of years.

He states that we must satisfy each need in turn, starting with the first, which deals with the most obvious need for survival itself. Only when the lower order needs a physical and emotional well-being are satisfied we considered with a higher order needed of influence and personal development. it the thing that satisfy our lower order needs are swept away, we are no longer concerned about that maintenance of our higher order needs. In the 1990s adapted hierarchy of needs including transcendence needs, instead of only five needs now we had eight, 1.

Biological and psychological needs, 2. Safety needs 3. Belongingness and love needs, 4. Esteem needs, 5. Cognitive needs 6. Aesthetic needs 7. Self-Aesthetic needs 8. Transcendence needs. Personality development is thought to be primarily governed by the biological maturation of the individual, whether it be through environmental influences on development of viewed as largely under the influence of biologically based dispositions and characteristics.

Personality developmentalists holding a strong biological orientation argue that environmental factors do not play a significant role in the development of individual differences, except in the case of extreme environmental deficiencies. Biologically oriented personality theorists argue that specific environments cannot be required for species-typical developments such as individual differences. As described above biologically based individual differences are often characterized as differences in temperament.

Considerable evidence based on heritability research shows that individual differences in temperament have strong genetic foundations. These genetic foundations lead to individual differences in physiology, which in turn may influence environmental conditions in ways that channel environmental Experiences to fit temperamental qualities. Examining the relationship of biological factors to Maslow’s theory of personality and explaining the basics aspects of humanistic theory those are incompatible with biological explanation of personality.

Some people say you inherit your personality from your parents that is the biological approach to personality. Unlike the big five which we’ve just learned about this theory was founded by Hans Eysenck establishes three dimensions: extroversion, neuroticism, psychoticism. Let’s first look at extroversion in Eysenck personality of roads he refers to an individual’s sociability and insolence. The second concept is neuroticism this refers to an individual stability emotionally and uneasiness.

Last but not least Psychoticism this is the last concept in Eysenck theory, this refers to an individual inclination towards psychopathology, involving impulsiveness, and meanness. “Eysenck approaches very few people take into account the biological bases of personality”. After extensive research it has proven that biological approach to personality presents a connecting link to the study of biology and personality. According to this text biological approach to personality, and the humanistic approach to personality involves matters of personal worth and an individual‘s ethics.

As per Abraham Maslow humanistic psychology he called the ‘third force ‘in psychology with only humanistic approaches emphasizing and creative, spontaneous, and active nature of human being. Maslow’s believed that people lives developed as they created their own worlds some people disagree. “This view moves from humans ’being’ to human ‘becoming’; that is a self-fulfillment of a healthy personality . Is process by which certain adaptive chance emerge over generations . and personality theory is an area of study applying biological evolutionary theory to human personality.

An example of Gene and personality I Angle man Syndrome genetic syndrome and the study of how genes affect behavior is called behavioral genomics. These included temperament different in emotional reactivity accrue aggressive a non-aggressive. are we introvert we keep to our selves or extrovert we are out going. There biological aspects can be measured by electro dermal measures an monitors the electrical activity of my skin with electrodes but this cannot measure some like sensation seeking and addiction proneness for people sometimes wetly to block their neurotransmitters with medication such as Prozac.

The brain is also a part of the function of our biological personality, the hemispheric activity or the level of the activity within one cerebral hemisphere either left or right. Throughout medical history we have done studies on when sibling to investigate how our biological brain has to do with our personality. We study the devastation of schizophrenia a condition with those symptoms includes distorted reality odd emotional reactions, and sometimes paranoia and delusions. Scientists believe that some people have biological superiority they are born athletes.

As gal as sexuality identity and homosexuality we are not sure if these have biological reasons for. Hormones disease and mental disease all have different effects on the human biology so do poisons and toxins we don’t know to what extent it affects the human body also when a woman had a baby it can affect her it is called post partum depression. Other diseases like Alzheimer’s also affect the biological brain. Believing that our brain is controlled by genes is called biological Determinism. But a human brain can also be charged by legal or illegal drugs like halation and valium.

Our biological brains is also studied by therapists and psychopharmacology that study of the role of drugs in other toxic substances in causing and treating psychiatric disturbance. According to Abraham Maslow’s powerful meaningful experiences you may feel that one with the world, the self fulfilling and a low arms with total involvement he calls these peak experiences, these come to people who are mature and spiritually fulfilled these people. References Friedman, H. S. , & Schustack, ,M W. (2009). Personality: Classic theories and modern (4th ed. ). Boston, MA: Pearson: Allyn & Bacon. www. abrahammaslow. com


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