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Introduction to Personality

Introduction to Personality Dawn Lanaux Psychology/ 405 September 24, 2011 Christine Rose Introduction to Personality The meaning of the word personality has traceable roots to Latin culture. With a similar Latin word persona in the psychology of C. G. Jung the mask or facade accessible with the ability to satisfy the anxieties of the situation, one’s environment and not representing the inner personality of the individual the public personality contrasts to the anima (Collins English Dictionary, 2009). The post modern view or definition of personality is far different then long ago.

The integration of personality traits has driven a new view into the human personality. The definition of personality traits is behaviors that observation ensue can and contain a unique aspect of the human personality. The traits will also help a person when establishing his or her place in society. For an example a person would not want to work with a person whom is disloyal and is said to be a lair. People will align themselves with people who have like mind values and traits. Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Personality

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Personality theories tend to grow from the content of the theorists whose personality in which the theory is derives from. One must keep in mind that there are five categories that apply different approaches to the human personality. The first Biological Theories. These theories state that a person’s genetics are mostly responsible for his or personality. The recent research has been stating that heritability states the possible connections between genetics and personality traits (Cherry, 2010). The next theory relates to Behavioral Theories.

Behavioral Theories states that his or her personality is a result of the interaction with the individual and the environment. Behavioral theorists Introduction to Personality scrutinize any apparent and quantifiable behaviors, not agreeing with theories that take into account inner thoughts and point of view Psychodynamic Theory is another approach to the study of human personality. Under this theory his or her personality is profoundly subjective by hand of Sigmund Freud. Freud believes that the influence of the unconscious mind and any experiences in his or her childhood play a major role in personality.

Sigmund Freud’s creation of the Psychodynamic Theory which, incorporates the use of three components which, are known as the Id, Ego, and Superego (Cherry, 2011). Humanist Theories call attention to the significance of his or her free will and his or her experience in the progress of their personality. The Trait Theory has the largest approach. This spectrum has more than one insight within personality psychology. The guidelines of this theory are that personality consists of a various amount of coordinating expansive traits. A trait is simply a reasonably unchanging characteristic that affects an individual.

This causes an individual to conduct his or herself in different ways. There is a vast amount of known trait theories but of the best known trait theories was written by Eysenck’s three-dimension theory and the five factor theory of personality. Introduction to Personality Factors that Influence an Individual’s Personality Development The big five are said to be a vast areas of the human personality traits. This concept has a momentous supporting works of written articles to branch out and support the main of objective of the five-factor model of personality.

Many theorists do not often agree on which, name for each element However, the basic elements are as follows Extroversion is a trait that includes distinctive traits such as excitability, sociability, talkativeness, assertiveness, and high amounts of emotional expressiveness (Cherry, 2010). Agreeableness: This personality element includes characteristics like trust, altruism, kindness, affection (Cherry, 2010). Conscientiousness has widespread features which, contains high levels of thoughtfulness with good impulse control, and the drive for achieving goals.

People who demonstrate high conscientiousness tend to have organizational skills, and pays close attention to details. Neuroticism is people who tend to experience emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, and sadness (Cherry, 2010). Openness is a trait that has characteristics such as imagination and insight, and those who demonstrate this trait are also tends to show a vast amount of different interests. Introduction to Personality The nature versus nurture controversy was and will be a debatable topic until the end of time.

This topic has two basic sides and that is either nature has more of a role than nurture. On the other hand many believe that nurture relating his or her environment has more to do with a person’s personality traits. In reality both of these elements bring a perfect balance to an individual’s life. If one is lacking for an example nature which, is a genetics per say. There may be a deformity somewhere but there is a chance for a great quality of life. The topic of nurture is quite different. If the quality of life is not there due to neglect of environment meaning the parents; social disorders will most likely appear.

This can lead to more dangerous path substance abuse, jail or even death. The lack of guidance in an individual’s life can have great strides for a person’s personality. Sigmund Freud‘s psychoanalytic theory of personality states that human personality has three elements in this theory. These three elements of the human personality known as the id, the ego and the superego work together to design a difficult pattern actions through the subconscious. The unconscious has a role as well. These interactions fulfill sexual wants and needs which also relates to human personalities.

A Freud personality development theory provides an adequate explanation of human struggles that present themselves within various phases of life to steer clear of oppression and censorship of subconscious wants and wishes. Introduction to Personality Conclusion The human is a complex interworking design that has different components playing off each other. The most important factor is genetics and a nurturing environment. This may include family, culture, and the region of the country he or she lives in. This is evidence that there is more one factor to personality.

The only problem with personality is there is more one way to explain it. This means that more explanations and very different views to reach the same conclusion to the human personality. The prominent person will always have a debatable slot. Freud will always be that person to hold influence because of his views. Other will try to discount him but, one thing will remain that not can take away. The human personality is vast well with unanswerable questions. No one answer is right but all provide a path that one day a person might solve. References: American Psychological Association (APA):persona. n. d. ). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved September 30, 2011, from Dictionary. com website: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/persona Cherry , K. (2010). The id, ego and superego. Retrieved from http://psychology. about. com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/personalityelem. htm Cherry , K. (2010). Sigmund freud – the life, work and theories of sigmund freud. Retrieved from http://psychology. about. com/od/sigmundfreud/p/sigmund_freud. htm Cherry , K. (2010). The big five personality dimensions. Retrieved from http://psychology. about. com/od/personalitydevelopment/a/bigfive. htm


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