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Is Communication
It is essential that everyone is capable
of reading, writing, and communicating in an articulate and organized manner.

Unfortunately, many American students lack the necessary skills needed
for effective communication. It is contradictory that there are so many
illiterate students in this current age that many define as ‘the age of
the information superhighway.’
It seems as though many of America’s students
are unaware of the importance of communication and literacy. Clear and
effective language use is a most important and practical utility; it is
the vehicle we use to convey information. An ‘information superhighway’
without vehicles is futile. Without effective language utilization, it
is impossible to convey thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Students must
have the capacity to absorb and convey information to, at least a minimal
level. The meters of literacy magnitude are standardized tests Diane Ravitch
writes of “poor verbal scores” and “de-emphasis on careful reading and
writing” in Forbes magazine. Standardized test scores are not showing strong
enough verbal skills. The latter is an indicator that more emphasis should
be placed on language skill development at an earlier period in the education

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Language is the basis of any education.

Whether one wishes to pursue a study in literature or science, language
arts are indispensable. It is impossible for one to present a lab report
or to comprehend a calculus text if he/she is unable to achieve literary
discipline. Those who are able to dynamically utilize their literary skills
have a plethora of information available to them. They can employ such
resources as libraries and the Internet. Therefore, it is essential that,
to take advantage of all available resources, one must have a solid foundation
consisting of literary knowledge.

The most fundamental form of communication
is speech. After one’s methods of speech are developed, it is then possible
to migrate to more sophisticated areas of communication. It is relatively
easy to communicate in America. Many people live in countries where there
are dozens of dialects. Communication can be chaotic in countries such
as China. Americans who are
My communication skills are articulate.

In my essays, I practice careful grammar and syntax. To achieve dynamic
communication skills, I devote much time and patience to reading as much
as I possibly can. Exposure to as much literature as possible can only
amplify ones literary skills. Many students consider reading a novel or
analyzing a literary work as a tedious and monotonous task. Many students
regard the assignment of a novel a task imposed on them by instructors
who wish to complicate their lives. The latter attitude is a significant
element in our declining verbal standardized test scores. Low standardized
test scores are inevitable when a lack of enthusiasm for the educational
progression exists. It is therefore, the responsibilities of the instructor
and parent(s) to help stimulate learning motivation. A display of enthusiasm
on the instructor’s part will induce a similar display from his/her students.

Language is a universal bonding agent,
therefore, it must be understood in order to achieve any goal in today’s
competitive world. In order for today’s students to be prepared for the
future, it is important that literary development is accentuated throughout
the educational process. Once the seeds of motivation sprout in the minds
of students’, the students will flourish academically.


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