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Also if the has bipolar disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity’ disorder (ADD), or post- aromatic stress disorder (POTS), the parent needs to know what kind of styles to use on these children with disorders. The parent may think they are disciplining the child but they may be doing more harm than good. Child abuse is when a child is abused by a parent or an adult they may know, whether it’s emotionally, physically, or sexually. There are many cases of child abuse reported every year but many cases go unreported. Many cases of child abuse are making its way into family court more often now than it has before.

People are not sure what is considered child abuse and what is not. Once people understand the difference in disciplining a child and child abuse, there will be less false cases of child abuse. Children need to be disciplined because it they are not, they will run rapid. However, some parents or adults cross the fine line between discipline and child abuse. Some people believe that there is no place for physical discipline but children need firm discipline. When children are only told “no” they just ignore the parent and continue with what they are doing.

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Parents need to be able to discipline their child but they also need to know where disciplinary begins and when child abuse begins. Child Rearing Another way of describing discipline is child rearing. “Ordinarily, we think of “child rearing” as referring to the specific techniques parents use in trying to train their children… The term is much broader; it must include anything the parent does, whether deliberate or not, that may have an effect on the child’s behavior” (Frontbencher, 1963, p. 1437). The simplest things such as singing to the baby or bathing him or her falls under the term of “child rearing. There are four patterns that have a huge impact on children. The four patterns are neglect, active rejection, overindulgence, and overprotecting Frontbencher, 1963, p. 1441). Neglect happens when the parent leaves the child to fend for him or herself. When children are left unattended, they tend to grow up to be aggressive and seek attention. Active rejection is taking neglect to a new level. “… Active rejection, combines emotional neglect of the child with domination and abuse” (Frontbencher, 1963, p. 1441). The child is constantly being punished and humiliated.

Most children that come this kind of home, grows up to have hateful habits. Overindulgence is where a parent gives into the child’s every desire. For example, the child sees a new ay on the television, the child demands they have it, and the parent goes and gets it for them. Overprotecting is when the parent does not allow the child any room to grow up. “It is noteworthy that both overindulged and overprotected children tend to be boys from families where the father is absent or psychologically impotent” (Frontbencher, 1963, p. 441 Once these boys reach adulthood, they tend to look for women who resemblance their mothers. The age of the child plays a role in what kind of discipline is needed. According to Brent Collect et al. In the article “Assessment of Discipline Styles Among Parents of Preschool Through School-Age Children,” 201 , there are three methods to estimating child and parent behaviors. The first is child-directed play, the second is parent-directed play, and the third is parent-directed tasks (p. 163). … Observational procedures can be time- consuming and expensive (Arnold, O’Leary, Wolff & Cracker, 1993).

Additionally, such an approach may be less useful in assessing practices of parents of older children who tend to be more reactive to observational procedures (Shelton, Fricke, Wooden, 1996). (Collect et al. , 2001, p. 163). Parents need to SE different discipline styles depending on the age of the child, however, according to Collect et al. , 2001, the parent can use the same discipline styles on a child whether they are male or female. “No differences in parenting practices were found based on the gender of the child, suggesting that parents of both girls and boys report using similar parenting styles” (“Assessment of Discipline Styles”, p. 68). Boys can have more aggressive behaviors than girls but that does not prove that boys need to be disciplined different than girls. Child Discipline Verses Child Abuse There is a fine line between child discipline and child abuse. Physical abuse Often results from an unintended escalation while administering physical punishment for perceived child transgressions (Hornlike, Hornlike, & Geol., 1983) and maltreatment is often conceptualized as on a continuum with physical discipline (Rodriguez & Sutherland, 1 999; Whipped & Richey, 1997). (Rodriguez, 2003, p. 09) Child rearing or discipline can escalate to child abuse quickly; however, this depends on the parent’s aggressiveness. When a parent’s discipline becomes child abuse, it can affect the child in many ways. “Thus, physically abused children are more likely than non-abused children to monsters such characteristics as oppositional, behavior problems, depression, fearfulness, social withdrawal, and lower self-esteem” (Rodriguez, 2003, p. 810). In other words, children are not just hurt by the physical abuse but they tend to develop mental problems as well.

Child Discipline on Children with Mental Disabilities According to Christina Rodriguez, 2003, in her article “Parental Discipline and Abuse Potential Affects on Child Depression, Anxiety, and Attributions”, there are three harsh levels of discipline and two styles of punishment. “… Mild (slap on hand, poking the child); moderate (spanking, pulling the child p by the arm); and borderline abusive (hitting with an object such as a belt or wooden spoon)” (p. 812). Some kids only get the slap on the wrist while others get a belt or wooden spoon to their butts.

Depending on what the child has done should determine the punishment they get. However, this is not always the case in some homes. If the child runs through the house and leaves the front door open, this is a mild case and only deserves a slap on the hand. Fifth child is acting out in a restaurant, this is a moderate case and the parent needs to use their hand and spank the child on the butt. When the hill does something more severe like stealing from a store then the parent needs to result to using a belt or a wooden spoon.

However, some parents believe they need to use the borderline abusive method for every time the child needs to be disciplined. Children who have behavioral problems such as attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADD) and bipolar disorders make it harder on parents to discipline them. “Certain parenting styles, particularly harsher, authoritarian parenting styles, were also predictive of the development of conduct problems” (Rodriguez, 2008, p. 124). Since these children tend to act UT more or cause more problems, they are at risk of child abuse.

Parents think they are disciplining their children but they could actually be abusing them. Indeed, children with behavior problems invariably engage in disruptive behaviors that prompt parental disciplinary responses, placing these children at risk for maltreatment. Difficult child temperament may place a child at risk for both behavior problems and maltreatment, with indications that children with difficult temperaments are more likely to evidence exterminating problems if they experience more severe parental discipline. (Rodriguez, 2008, P. 4) Children with disorders such as ADD and bipolar need to be disciplined, however, parents should use a lees harsh way. Parents who diminish maladaptive parenting styles can help these children lower the risks of permanent behavioral problems. Overindulging, Overprotecting, and Over Controlling Parents, who overindulge, overprotect, and over control their kids could be close to crossing that thin line benzene discipline and abuse. Child abuse is not just physical; it can also be mental and emotional. The “love gap” is the distance between our good intentions as parents and what we should do to truly love our kids… Clinton & Spicy, 2006, p. 5). Sometimes parent’s good intentions turn into bad situations. Overprotecting a child is when the parent does not allow the child to live a little and learn for themselves. For example, a parent hears his daughter’s friends talk about having sexual relations with boys and doing drugs. He does not want his daughter to be like that, so he keeps her inside the house and will not let her go out with her friends. “Protecting your children from the evils of the world is a God-given responsibility.

But overprotecting will bruise the spirit and keep kids from growing into strong, independent adults capable of raring trust and making good decisions” (Clinton & Spicy, 2006, p. 9). Parents need to find the balance between letting their children explore life and protecting them from the evils of this world. Over controlling is where the parent is like a helicopter. They like to hover over their children and want to know every detail of their kids’ lives. Parents who overprotect often do so from a healthy desire to help their kids take ownership of their behavior and learn how to live within limits.

The difficulty is that this method usually backfires, leading to rebellion, anger, and emotional withdrawal. (Clinton & Spicy, 2006, p. 1) All parents want their children to live successful lives but some parents want to control everything in their child’s life; when parents make all the decisions for their children, this usually leads to anger and rebellion from the child. Overindulging is what Dry. Tim Clinton and Dry. Gary Spicy in their book Loving Your Child TOO Much, 2006, call the “Disney daddy syndrome” (p. 12).

Parents who overindulge want to be the fun parent or the parent all their kids’ friends love. Children who are overindulged become selfish and greedy. Once the newness of the new toy or new freedom goes away they need meeting else to give them that joy that new items give them. “Even though kids fight it every step if the way, they need structure and responsibility in their lives. Without it they become increasingly insecure, irritable, and bored” (Clinton & Spicy, 2006, p. 13). Children who do not have a stable structure in their lives, is like letting a bull out of its pen.

They are going to run and run until they crash into something or someone. When parents overindulge, overprotect, and overprotect, they are not really disciplining their children. They are either disciplining too much or not enough. What used to be insider disciplining children is now considered child abuse. Experts said cases that try to make the distinction between discipline and abuse were finding their way into more and more family courts as the legal and social definitions of corporal punishment changed, catching many parents unaware. A lot of people in America were hit by straps by their parents; and although it is not the right thing to do, it is the only thing they know,” said Irwin Hyman, a psychologist who directs the National Center for the Study of Corporal Punishment at Temple university. (Woodard, 1 990, “When Old-Style Discipline Brings a Charge of Child Abuse”) How parents disciplined was different fifty to a hundred years ago. Parents were able to use switches and belts as ways to punish their children. Now days, if people us these things on children, there is a good chance that it will be considered child abuse.

Child Abuse According to Dictionary. Com, child abuse is the “mistreatment of a child by a parent or guardian, including neglect, beating, and sexual molestation” (n. D Child abuse can come in many forms. According to Dry. Diane Language, there are four main categories of child abuse. The first is non-accidental physical injury, the second is neglect, the third is emotional abuse, and the fourth is sexual abuse. (“The Epidemic of Child Abuse”, n. D Non-accidental physical injury is bodily injuries; there are 1,500 child fatalities per year.

The case against the football player Adrian Peterson, where he took a switch to his son, is considered non-accidental physical injury. Neglect is when the parent does not give the child proper care. For example, when the parent does not give the child food, water, or shelter this is considered neglect. Emotional child abuse is hard to prove. Children who are subject to this kind of abuse usually evolve mental problems later in life like anxiety, depression, and post- traumatic stress disorder (POTS)(Language, n. D. ). The last form of child abuse is sexual.

People hear more about these kinds of cases than any other abuse case. There are four kinds of sexual abuse; verbal, visual, and physical (Language, n. D. ). Most of the time the perpetrator is a family member or someone the child knows. Child abuse is a high rated offense. The rates of child abuse are ten times higher than cancer. Also one in five girls and one in eight boys are sexually abused by the time they are eighteen (Tachycardia, n. D. ). Although there are 80,000 child abuse cases reported each year, there is still many cases that go unreported (Language, n. D. ).

Child abuse cases go unreported for the same reasons that women who are raped go unreported; the children are scared to tell someone. They are scared that they will be more abused if they tell someone. There are adults who can do something if the child does not. An adult who thinks a child is being abused can call the authorities and make a report. There is a very thin line between discipline and child abuse. In today’s society that line keeps getting thinner and thinner. There are people now says that think hitting a child is abuse when there are others who say that children need a firm spanking every once in a while to keep them in check.


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