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During this assignment, I found it somewhat challenging to find a candidate that fit all the criteria for the position. Some candidates possessed some of the job requirements, but did not quite fulfill others. I decided to hire Karen for the position of sales manager. This decision was based off of her sales experience and credentials. Based on the information provided, Karen not only has an education on fiber optic engineering, but she also has five years of sales experience. This means that she possess knowledge about the product as well as the skills to efficiently sell the product.
On the other hand, Karen’s personal life may affect the demands of the job. Karen is planning to be married next months and may potentially be starting a family soon. The job entails being able to travel Monday through Friday, as well as spending leisure time with prospective clients after the work day is over. Potential employers may feel that this does not fit with the job requirements. Women spend on average seventeen years caring for children and eighteen years caring for aging parents, primarily during their prime working years.
The central elements to the work devotion schema are a worker’s allegiance to the firm, intensity of being consumed in work, and single mindedness with corporate responsibilities. The ideals of family devotion focus instead on a caretaker’s responsibility for housework, child rearing and dependence on spouse. The status of motherhood has clearly been observed to have important ramifications on hiring, promotion, and salary processes.
Although Lynn, the IT manager also has knowledge about fiber optics, she did not possess any sales experience. The scenario states that due to the competitive marketplace, sales and revenues are at an all-time low. This means that the company needs someone that will help to boost sales. I believe that Karen will be a great fit for the company. My hope is that the company is family friendly, so that her future family…


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