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Where’s the Patis?

Looking back at my life, I can say that I do not own a lot of achievements that I can really brag about. Though I definitely know that there are more important things in my simple yet colorful life that I will always remember. The events that I never expected to happen and the unforgettable moments that have brought me to this place, where I am standing right now. I have already experienced many challenges, trials and triumph. I have received satisfying recognition and tough criticism through out all of my efforts that I have exerted.

I have seen painful losses in my family, in my friends, in my close community and in my loved ones’ lives, which are really hurtful. I have also seen genuine happiness from the people around me who have risen up and have fought back from their troubles and problems in life. I have witnessed the same happiness from the people who have incredible fighting spirit whom I draw inspiration from. I have felt disappointment from the things that i have worked so hard for but just have failed them in the end. have felt fulfillment in the many significant lessons that I have learned and from the important achievements that I have gained because of my continuous effort. I have felt sadness and emptiness from the times that the world has given me too much problems, which I didn’t think that I could handle. All of these feelings and experiences that have happened to me are the things that make me the person who I am right now. In my life, I make sure to learn from everything that i will encounter.

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I always try to get guidance and advice from the people that know better than me so that I can have fewer errors in my life and to make more good decisions. I have been through a lot of the_ this world has to give already. Because of all these events that I have experienced, I have realized that I am lucky to hold a number of opportunities in hand to become a better person. I have learned essential life lessons from all those things that I have seen and felt. Those will show me the way out of my labyrinth of suffering. Those will teach me the ways in order to fulfill my goal in life.

Everything that I have said is all a significant experience in my life. Though I did not mention a specific accomplishment, I guess that we will never understand who we truly are with just one event that has happened to our lives. I truly believe that everyday of our lives are all significant experiences because we will always learn new things about ourselves. We will discover everyday how much we truly are capable of through our decisions that we make all of the time. Everyday is a significant experience also because you will never know when something great or something disheartening is about to happen to you.

Every single day I make good and bad decisions. Every single day I commit errors and also do right things. Every single day I experience something new in my life thought it may be small or big. All that matters to me is how I will make the most out of what I get every single day to help me define the person I am at this point. At this moment, I haven’t discovered everything about myself yet. But I have the time because the things I have to learn will just come to me through the experiences I have everyday. I will learn from all my experiences to become the best version of myself, in my simple yet colorful life. Timothy Gabriel S. Pacleb


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