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What Do Advertisements Tell Young People They Should Value

Terry Dinkins
Education and It’s Purpose
ENGL 101
Liberty University Online
The Effects of Advertising on the Youth of Today
By Crystal Lassen, eHow Contributor
Advertisements, whether on television or in print, may affect your children more than you realize. It is estimated that every hour of children’s TV programming includes 10 to 16 minutes of advertisements. These ads are highly sophisticated messages meant to stick with children long after the television is turned off, and the effects can be dangerous. Many advertisements glamorize alcohol and cigarette smoking, which can influence children at a young age to believe that these substances enhance popularity or attractiveness.
Childhood Obesity
The American Academy of Pediatrics attributes a portion of the problem with childhood obesity to television and other advertisements. Commercials make fast food look healthy, fresh and inviting. Many commercials show young, vibrant, thin people consuming these products, projecting the image that fast food is a good nutritional choice, and that attractive people are likely to consume it. According to the academy, movies and TV shows also contribute to obesity through rampant product placement, as kids watch their favorite movie and television stars consume junk food on a regular basis. Because kids are very impressionable, they idolize these people and tend to mimic their actions.
Brand Name
From a young age, children are targeted with brand names. During children’s programming they are bombarded with advertisements for brand name toys. Retail stores and individual companies make commercials to advertise certain brands of clothing that they are trying to push. All of this information bombards children. The ads are also apparent on billboards which are seen on highways and in cities. They are also present in teen and even pre teen magazines. Children are targeted by brand names as soon as they are able to watch television.


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