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Unit Exercise

Empirical sources: Personal experiences, field observations, interviews, surveys, case studies, and experiments. 5. What steps are involved with planning to solve the problem? Map Out Your Plan Explore Each Major Step Figure Out the Cost sand Benefit s of Your Plan 6. Why should the writer list the costs and benefits of the proposed plan? A good way to round out your argument is to discuss the costs and benefits of your plan. You want to show readers the two to five major benefits of your plan and then argue that these benefits outweigh the costs. 7. What steps should writers use to choose an appropriate style?

Create an Authoritative Tone Use Metaphors and Similes. Pay Attention to Sentence Length Minimize the Jargon 8. List three tips for designing your proposal. Three tips for designing your proposal are to create a look, use meaningful headings, and use list to highlight important points. 9. What four steps should a writer follow to revise and edit a proposal? Look for Inconsistencies in Content. Get Rid of the Extra Stuff Tweak the Design Don’t Forget to proofread! 10. Chapter 12 1 . What is the format for a report? Executive summary or abstract that summarizes the major sections of the report.

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Introduction that defines a research question or problem and explains why it is important to the reader. The introduction clearly states the purpose and main point of the report, while offering background information on the topic. Methods section that describes how the research was carried out. Results or Findings section that presents the results of the research objectively. Discussion section that analyzes the results and explains what they mean. Conclusion/Recommendations that restates the main point of the report and offers specific recommendations. End Material: References that provides a list of references or works cited.

Appendices that offer additional resources and other materials. 2. How do writers develop their research question and hypothesis? They start out by identifying the topic, angle, research question, and hypothesis. 3. What are the steps for creating a researching plan? A) In the middle of the screen or page, write down your research question. B) Write down the two to five major steps you will need to take to answer that research question. Circle them. C) For each major step, write down two to five minor steps that you would need to take to achieve that major step.

Circle them and draw lines to connect them to the major steps 4. What is the organizational pattern of an executive summary or abstract? The best way to draft a report is to write each major section separately. If you draft each section one at a time, you will avoid feeling overwhelmed by the size of the document. 5. What materials should be included in the methods sections of a research essay? You need to include how you did each step and why you did it that way. 6. What is the purpose of a Findings or Results section off research paper?

In this section of the research paper you need to describe what you found. 7. What should writers include in the Conclusions/ Recommendations section of a research paper? Restate your main point. One more time, state the report’s overall main point or finding. Make two to five recommendations. Using the results of your research, make some recommendations about what should be done about this issue. Reports often present these recommendations in a list. Reemphasize the importance of the topic. Explain briefly why your readers should care about this topic and take action.

Look to the future. Reports often end with a small paragraph that describes what will happen in the near and distant future. 8. Where can writers go to get assistance with writing a Reference of Works Cited page? For PAP style, they should be listed under the title “References. ” For ML style, call them “Works Cited. ” Turn to Chapters 27 and 28 for help with your references. 9. What are mollifications and how do writers get rid of them? Mollifications is the overuse Of a noun instead Of a verb, writers can change the use of certain words into verbs to help get rid of mollifications. 0. What does it mean to choose an appropriate style, and what are some examples of appropriate styles as mentioned Chapter 23 of the text? 11. Why are headings important in the design of your report? Headings give a clear dead about what is in each section. 12. What are some strategies for revising and editing a report? Clarify the Purpose of the Report Look for Gaps in Content Find Nonessential Information That Can Be Cut Pay Special Attention to Your Report’s Paragraphs Review Your Recommendations Proofread Carefully 13. Chapter 18 1. Define global revision.

Global revisions refer to big changes made to a piece of writing. 2. Define substantive editing. 3. Define copycatting. Copycatting involves improving the “flow” of your text by making it clear, concise, consistent, and correct. 4. Define proofreading. Proofreading is the final step in identifying document, during which you should search for any typos, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and word usage problems. 5. In order, what are the four levels of revising and editing? The four levels of revising and editing are global revision, substantive editing, copycatting, and proofreading. . What are three examples of global issues? Three global issues are Poverty, Global warming, and Racism. 7. When thinking about your readers (the context), what should you consider? When considering content, expectations, values, attitudes, place, medium and social ND political influences should be considered. 8. How do you know when you have enough information? When you can fully support your readers with all the details. 9. What are three questions you can ask to determine whether you need to reorganize your work to better use the genre?

The three questions are, do you have enough information, does your paper have each of the sections included in this genre, and are your main ideas prominent enough? 10. Why should writers have others read their work? Having others read your work could get you feedback on things to change and to improve. 11 . What are your titles and headings intended to do for your essay? Titles grab the reader’s attention and headings help them grasp the ideas and understand how the document is structured. 12. What should the writer consider when editing paragraphs to make them more concise and consistent?

Revising sentences to make them clearer and more descriptive should be considered. 13. How can a writer revise sentences to make them clearer? By focusing on the clarity and style of individual sentences. 14. How can a writer revise sentences to make them more descriptive? By giving your work more impact and power. 15. What’s the purpose of proofreading? What are three strategies for proofreading? Proofreading allows you to look for any typos, grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and word usage problems.

Three strategies for proofreading are, reading your writing aloud, reading your drafts backwards, and using a spell checker. 16. Chapter 22 1 . Define Argument. When are arguments used in college and the professional world? A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. In college and in the professional world, arguments are used to think through ideas and debate uncertainties. . What types of topics are considered arguable? Most topics could be arguable, but some might not be worth the effort. . What are the four sources of arguable claims? Issues of Definition Issues of Causation Issues of Evaluation Issues of Recommendation 4. What is a two-step strategy to help the writer sharpen his/her claim? The two step strategy would be to decide what you want to argue, determine the arguable claim. 5. What are the three ways to support your position? By using Reason, Authority, and Emotion. 6. Define logos, ethos, and pathos. How are these kinds of evidence used in argument writing? Logos is reason, ethos is authority and pathos is emotion.


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