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Research Paper on MAAD (mothers against drunk driving)

MAD has been proven an effective organization that gets its message across strongly and successfully. According to the organizations website, studies have shown that there has been an increase in individuals who never drink and drive. And that the annual death rate from drinking and driving have greatly decreased from 28,00 in 1980 to 16,068 in the year 2000. In 1 982, percent of all traffic fatalities were alcohol related, in 2000 beginning statistics showed that the percentage of lethal traffic accidents that were due to the influence of alcohol fell to 38 percent.

This has resulted in drunk driving Ewing one of the main and most important concerns on highway safety for Americans today. Due to the success rate of this non-profit organization, it has become one of the most popular and well known non-profit organizations around today. The achievements of the organizations effectiveness have resulted in every state enforcing tougher DUD/ DID laws. The rights of DUD (Drivers Under the influence) victims have also been greatly expanded. The organization is a fully functional one that functions in all 50 states and has expanded its influences to internationally to Canada, Guam and Puerco Rice.

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MAD often has evaluated, altered, and created some public policies. In 1990 MAD took on an all-inclusive new public policy plan called 20 by 2000. This policy was divided into five major areas of concentration. The plan included both new and existing goals to fight drunk driving. The organization believed the by focusing on these issues would allow for a reduction of 20 percent fatalities due to drunk driving by the year 2000. To Mad’s surprise the goal was hit in 1997, three years ahead of schedule, and the results better than what was expected. The percentage of drunk driving fatalities fell 38. Recent. The legislative arena has recognized the organizations successes. More than 2,500 new laws have been passed against drunk driving between the years of 1981 and 2001. In 1984, congress passed the 21 National Minimum Drinking Age Law, which states that the minimum age to consume alcoholic beverages is 21. Thanks to MAD, another major federal legislation act included the Drunk Driving Prevention Act of 1988. This was an amendment to the Anti- drug Abuse act of 1 988 and it just further enforced the minimum drinking age act. MAD has had great influence on the American government.

It has encouraged and influence the passing of many acts, amendments and laws, such as the ones mentioned above and many others including the Transportation Equity Act for the 21 SST Century and the Victims of Crime Acts among many others. Regardless of the strong efforts of MAD to establish and pass laws in all states some states are not enforcing them as strongly as they should be enforced. Many states do not use the established countermeasures, like administrative license revocation (ALARM). Many of the laws that have been passed contain small loopholes in which the drunk driver can get off the hook with and avoid prosecution.


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