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Processed Food vs. unprocessed food

Even though eating healthy can be expensive and time consuming, people should eat
unprocessed foods as much as possible because they are healthy, they prevent excessive
weight gain, and they can contribute to overall health and well-being. Eating healthy can be very expensive because the cost of fresh meats, produce and other unprocessed food are continuously on the rise. It is so much easier to choose processed foods to save money and time but there are ways to eat healthy on a budget and save time.
Processed foods have a wide range from lightly to heavily processed. Processed foods are usually found in boxes, cans or bags. They are all pre-prepped for convenience. The longer the list of ingredients the more processed the food is.
Unprocessed foods are made at home with reasonable cooking skills from whole foods. Fresh meats, produce and whole grains. It can be a bit more time consuming but so worth it with our families health. In the past food came from farms grown and picked fresh. Today most of our produce and grains are created in a laboratory with chemicals added to cut food costs.
Something’s that make processed food so unhealthy are the food additives that are added to everything we eat. Food additives are added to food to preserve flavor or enhance taste and the way they look. Food additives are added when making the food to add nutrients, help process or prepare food, to keep food fresh, and make food more appealing to the eyes. They can be man-made or natural such as herbs, pickling in vinegar and salt to preserve. Additives serve five main functions and that is to give food a smooth consistent texture, to improve or preserve nutrient value, to maintain the wholesomeness of the food, to control the acid base and balance of the food providing leavening and to provide color or enhance the flavor. (FDA , 2004 revised in 2010) The main concerns that we have are the man-made additives that are added to the foods such as antibiotics given…


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