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Job Shadowing Experience: Leslie Wang, Chapter

Also to prepare ourselves for the meeting we arranged dinners, set up the projector and helped the speaker get himself settled. Finally we dressed ourselves up and headed to the meeting. When we arrived, all the other accountants in their suits and skirts spoke among each other and met all the new comers as well as caught up with the regulars who attend. I observed that everyone met was extremely mature and professional, they were all very interested as to why I was shadowing for accounting.

I learned that accounting is more than just profit and decrease in profit in your own business, but in the entire market around the world. I learned a lot about deficits and how much money we spend and put out there affects all the businesses around us as well as the government. Still am very interested in exploring this career in my future. How much they talked about world economy was very appealing to me because I am into world management. I also am still considering accounting because I love working with numbers and accounting demands lots of that.

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I work at a part time job now that includes me making sales and keeping track of profits and making more profit than the day before, and going into the accounting field means you need to know a lot about profits and recessions and deficits. After the meeting, we collected all of our things including the CAP credits for all the accountants who attended.


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