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Fennec Foxes

The fennec fox has the ability to live in the desert because of it’s kidneys. The kidneys of a fen neck fox are adapted to retain water and prevent dehydration. Since there is little to no free e water in the desert, the foxes will drink when they can get water, but when there is no watt ere available they can survive long periods on only the moisture from what they eat and the De w that collects inside their burrows. So in the desert when it is mainly dry the foxes can manage to sure;vive without a constant supply of water. Aging the fox looked very similar from the outside before i?s adoption. The e fox probably lived shorter lives due to the shortage of water. They also had to sea rich for water more frequently. Although their ability to conserve water is very impressive, there is still a high mortality rate for the fennec foxes. More than half will die before they are ten months old. The fennec foxes are structurally built with very similar kidneys. However, some c an be led to kidney failure. So basically, some kidneys are more durable and can conserve more water.

In the Sahara (where the foxes mainly live) there could have been more water available, but eventually the climate change led to shortage in water and they were force De to conserve their water. The adaptation itself also helps organisms compete. All organisms nee d water to successfully live and reproduce. However, in the desert water is a limited rest urge. So with organisms competing for the limited water supply, fennec foxes can simply co ensure water and go without it for several days, thanks to their kidneys. Selection also ties in wit h the fennec foxes.

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The unfit fennec foxes who die from kidney failure will not pass down t hat trait, so that the whole population will eventually have strong conservative kidneys. The fit fennec foxes with the ability to conserve water with their kidneys, are t he ones that survive. The more fit fennec foxes will reproduce and pass down their ad option of kidneys, so the whole population will have this adoption. In conclusion, all fennec foxes s would die, so the adoption to conserve water with their kidneys is necessary to the life Of the fee once fox, due to the water shortage in their desert climate.


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