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Unitary presidential constitutional republic 6. What are the colors of the Costa Rican flag? Answer: The blue, white and red horizontal design was created in 1848 by Pacific Fern;need, 7. True or False: Costa Rica has an army. Answer: False 8. True or False: According to Costa Rica law, women do NOT take their husband’s last name when they get married. Answer: True 9. Lastly, visit this website: http://maw. Roughhouses. Com/destinations/central- America-and-the-Caribbean/Costa-Rica/explore/ look at the many possible places to visit in the Dominican Republic today.

Click and read about a few of them, then pick one you would like to visit sometime. Explain why this is the place you want to visit in Dominican Republic, citing specifics. Answer: Vole;n Renal, by day you’ll hear it rumbling and quaking, and if the smoke clouds above clear, you can gaze precariously at its near-perfect conical shape. But it’s during the night that Renal reveals its true power with almost constant eruptions of red-hot lava and tumbling avalanches of flaming rocks. It would be nice to visit a place of such exotic scenery.

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