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1. Alexander Hamilton: One of the biggest secretary of state.
2. Marbury vs. Madison: judges sued and went to Supreme Court.
3. Lewis and Clark: Exploration of New Land
4. Alien and Sedition Acts: acts that allowed the government to imprison or deport aliens.
5. Robert Fulton: Constructed canals and experimented with torpedoes and submarines.
6. Trail of Tears: forced thousands of Indians to leave.
7. Doretha Dix: Activist for the Insane
8. Eli Whitney: Invented the cotton gin
9. Seneca Falls Convention: Was a woman’s rights convention
10. GW Farewell: It was in New York
11. Worchester vs. GA: Vacated the conviction of Samuel Worchester.
12. Second Amendment: Right to bear arms
13. Thomas Jefferson: 3rd president; chief drafter of the declaration of independence.
14. LA Purchase: 1803, Jefferson obtained a vast territory extending from the Mississippi River to Rocky Mount.
15. Impressments: Policy of seizing people or property for military or public service,
16. Nat Turner: carried out Slave Revolts that left 120 whites and 60 blacks dead.
17. Andrew Jackson: First Westerner elected President.
18. American System: Henry Clay’s federal program
19. Missouri Compromise: Allowed Missouri a slave State but banned the rest of the LA territory.
20. Transcendentalist: Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau
21. Treaty of Greenville: After the defeat of Ohio Indian Tribes.
22. Henry David Thoreau: He was the (son) of transcendentalism
23. Judicial Review: Supreme Court had power to declare laws/acts unconstitutional
24. Midnight Judges: were 42 federalist justices of the peace president John Adams
25. Virginia-Kentucky Resolutions: state resolutions passed in 1798 declaring the Alien and Sedition acts unconstitutional
26. Henry Clay: Was one of the leading advocates of this new economic nationalism
27. Utopia: Separate settlement established with the goal of moral…


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