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Earth Hour, More Than an Hour

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Prof. Jacqueline Landau
ENGL 102
January 2013
Earth Hour, More Than an Hour
The Eastern coast of the United States has been through the most ruinous hurricane; Australia had most severe forest fire; Beijing had the darkest daytime because of over-polluted air. These disasters were the news people frequently heard last year. With the disparate development of environment, an increasing number of governments, organizations, and individuals notice that the earth is facing a tough period of time. Many of them have been taking actions to inform and call on more people to protect the environment and live in a green life style. People call them environmental protection organizations. The World Wildlife Fund is one of the non-profit and non-governmental organizations which concentrates on studying and protecting wildlife and its living conditions, including climate change. It has done considerable research study and public activities. This campaign orienting to alleviate climate change plays an extraordinarily positive role in environmental protection. It inspires an increasing number of people, organizations, and governments against global climate change by turning light off an hour in March globally.
The campaign called Earth Hour, as an outstanding representative of the environmental protection activity especially in climate change, is dramatically famous and effective. Earth Hour is organized by World Wildlife Fund. It makes the public notice that climate change has become one of the most urgent environmental issues in 21st century and the earth, the only living planet in the space, is facing severe environmental challenge. Humans probably will lose the only living place, if they do not control their aggressive actions to nature. Additionally, the environmental problem is a worldwide difficulty which desperately needs international cooperation between individuals, organizations, regions, and the entire globe. Therefore, they are willing more…


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