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In Modern day society human impact on the environment is inevitable due to all the things we and pollution we produce. By simply existing, all species – including ourselves – will imprint their mark on the world around them (Human impact, 2011). There are many activities that humans are preforming which are harming the environment for example; irrigation, mining, the construction of roads, deforestation, the effects of war, nuclear power and fishing to just name a few (Goudie, 2006).
“How can we be actively responsible for caring for the ecosystem and protecting the organisms within it.” Biodiversity is a term used to describe the variety of life on Earth. Humans have a massive impact on the earth’s environment and biodiversity. As the human population grows the more resources are needed and are used to sustain today’s way of life this is impacting badly on the environment and causing animals to have to keep trying to adapt to there environment. In this assignment I will be discussing the impact humans have on the orang-utan and how we can protect them.
An orang-utan is a large anthropoid ape that can only be found in Borneo and Sumatra, females can grow to around 127 cm and weigh around 45.4 kg and males can reach 175 cm in height and weigh over 118 kg they eats mostly plants, lives in trees, and have very long arms, there most distinguished feature is there long thin reddish brown hair, and a nearly hairless face. Both orangutan species are considered to be endangered, with the Sumatran orangutan being Critically Endangered.
The main reasons for the decline in population for orang-utans is the fact that they only reproduce every 7-9 years and there habitats are being destroyed for human resources. Examples of this are deforestation to create palm oil plantations, deforestation to collect resources such as logs. And deforestation to create mines. Orang-utans are also hunted to be sold as food amongst indigenous people, the mothers are killed because they…


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