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Cda Goal 1

Goal 1 – To maintain a safe, healthy learning enviroment. To establish and maintain a safe, healthy learning environment I model safety practices and healthy routines in an environment that supports development and growth in these areas. To accomplish this goal I complete daily safety checklists that include ensuring exits and hallways are open, electrical cords are out of reach, evacuation procedures are posted, fire extinguisher is working, emergency numbers are posted, sharp objects and cleaning supplies are in locked cabinets, furnishings are structurally sound, toys are in good condition, and nap time mats not torn or damaged.

To prevent and reduce injuries I involve my children in all safety practices such as praticing evacuation procedures. I model with my actions and words safety practices for example when crossing the street look for cars, when going on a walk outside remindering them that feet must stay on the sidewalk, hands must stay on the rope while going on a walk as well as when evacuating the building during fire drills, during monthly fire drills I remain calm and walk the children through the procedure, and I use a stool to reach in high cupboards (as children do for the sink) and explain it is safest to use a stool. To promote good health practices I check each child entering care for symptoms of illness or injury. Everyone washes hands before entering to play and often throughout the day at both routine times (between activities, before/after meals, after toileting) and as needed. I encourage healthy practices through songs, books, activities and routines. Goal 2 – To advance physical and intellectual competence To advance physical and intellectual competency I do my best to teach in a safe and friendly environment. I have open communication with the child and the family.

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Also while creating my weekly plan I will include physical, cognitive, and creative activities to improve all functional areas. In the mornings when the parents are dropping-off their children we usually try to ask if the child slept good, if the child had anything to eat before coming to the center. We sit in at calendar time and ask the children about the month, date and day of the week it is, what special activites happening in the day and assign the teacher helpers for the day. We communicate with the children throughout the day to ensure their well being and to help them understand what is going on around them.

During outside/ gym play we encourage the children to be active. They play ball, at times they roll the ball and laugh at the effect the ball has when it is pushed. They are learning to kick the ball, throw the ball, our next goal is have the children be able to catch the ball. We are also showing them how to push themselves with their feet on the ridding toys, scooters and pedaling tricycles. Inside activities include songs that they can dance to, for example the song “head, shoulders, knees, and toes” and the “hocky pokey”. They learn the movements of their bodies.

During circle time we sit with them and discuss a topic from the theme we have for the month, a letter from the alphabet, color of the month, shape of the month and numbers. We look at picture books and ask them questions about whats going on in the pictures and why their doing what their doing. We take turns on different days to point at the alphabet wall while singing the alphabet and spelling out the childrens names on the bulletin board for letter recognition as well as count our fingers. This helps with there thinking skills.

In our classroom we encourage them to use their creativity by letting them use their imagination. When we read farm animal books we use puppets to help them understand what the animals look like and the sounds they make. they imitate the sounds and actions of the animals. We also let them do art projects related to the topic we discuss, using different textured paints and materials. This is good for their fine motor skills. Goal 3 – To support social and emotional development and to provide positive guidance Functional Area: 8 Self My goal in the area of safe is to ensure the safety of all children in my care at all times.

In doing this, this will prevent and reduce injuries while children are in my care. This goal is important for children because children are often unaware of potential hazards and dangers in their classroom as well as not aware of behaviors that may cause injury to themselves or others. To accomplish my goal I maintain a current   CPR and 1st aid certification. I keep all cleaning products locked away from the children. I check the classroom and outdoor areas for broken and dangerous objects. I make sure that all electrical outlets are covered. I place and post emergency numbers near the telephone.

I also use a daily safety checklist. I believe that a safe environment will help children learn to protect themselves and lookout for others. Functional Area 9: Social My goal in the functional area of healthy is to maintain the overall health of each child in my care. This goal is important to help promote positive healthy living and eating practices that ensure healthy growth and development. To accomplish my goal I assist them with washing their hands before and after each meal, after playing outside and after using the bathroom and any other times that hands may get dirty.

I keep the classroom area clean and sanitized as well as the toys and other furnishings. I make sure all children are immunized and their records are kept current. I also make sure they have healthy foods, drinks and snacks throughout the day. Functional Area 10: Guidance My goal in the functional area of Learning Environments is to provide children with a wide variety of different opportunities for learning through play. This is an important goal for  the age group of children in my care because young children learn by doing and using their imagination. To…


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