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American Psychological Association. Just The Fact

American Psychological Association. “Just The Facts About Sexual Orientation And Youth”
APAPsychiatry. March2010
In 1975, the American Psychological Association has called on psychologists to take the lead in removing the stigma of mental illness that has long been associated with lesbian, gay and bisexual orientations. The discipline of psychology is concerned with the well-being of people and groups and therefore with threats to that well-being. The prejudice and discrimination that people who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual regularly experience have been shown to have negative psychological effects. I believe that the American Psychological Association leaves out any biased background in all factors do to them not viewing sexual orientation as a mental illness and more as you are born the way you are. The American Psychological Association published in the state of Washington in 2010 and has their added and updated the article up to 2017 which I believe that it helps with their credential’s do to them keeping the article updated. The American Psychological Association intended the article for college students and the youth making their information easy to read and understand by using general terms. How this adds to my research would be is that they view homosexuality as sexual classifications one of them being inherent and the cultural orientation. How their trying covey the reader is the learning of gender through social factors such as schooling, the media and family.By buying all blue or pink, making sure the boy will have trucks and army men, and only dolls or tiny kitchens for the girl they are starting the gender role socialization process right away. Therefore, I ask myself to what extent am I defined by my gender? Gender roles start at such a young age and are present throughout a person’s life. This idea is prevalent not only by their family and friends, but also in the media, workplace, and politics. How this compares with my other article is that how Dr. Elizabeth Morgan is trying to convey to the reader is by a research that she did in 2010 she gathered a group of men and women form all different types of race, culture, religion and countries and her studies concluded that no matter what man and women are affected by so many different aspects of social standards regarding what’s right and wrong.


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