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Acquaintance Rape of College Women

Contra Costa College The rape of women has been an issue for many centuries and the incidences of rapes continues to increase. However, people seem to have this mental vignette of a stranger attacking a woman in an alley or while she’s walking alone. Although this scenario is capable of occurring and has been experienced by some women, the majority of rape cases are acquaintance rapes – in which the female knows her attacker. And a majority of acquaintance rapes take place on college campuses. There’s many issues that arise when some think of a woman being attacked by someone she knows, especially if she had been previously intimate with that individual. The importance of the fact that rape is a crime should overshadow the possibility of the female having previous relations with the male. Focus should therefore be directed to the underlying issue: innocent college women are being victimized before the time they even earn their bachelor’s degree. There’s common rape myths that come into play, such as if the woman brought the assault upon herself. Some women also are reluctant to come forward about the attack for a variety of reasons, and their credibility becomes weakened as time passes. Additionally, some individuals witness signs of a potential attack but again, for a variety of reasons, do not come forth and anything to prevent the rape from occurring. Contrary to the aforementioned points, there may be potential benefits to not labeling an attack as a rape to the victim.
The all so known rape in a dark alleyway gives people today the misconception that rapes will only take place in dark and lonely areas, and so long as you are in a public setting surrounded by others, you are safe. However, in recent years, it’s been discovered that college campuses are becoming a hotspot for criminal activity. Research has found that a large mass of college women come into contact with me in both private and public areas of college campuses, and at a variety…


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