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A Cry for Help

A Cry for Help
In a Cry for Help it takes a look at two separate schools and how they deal with the rising suicide rates in adolescence. It also talks about the case of Stacey and her journey with depression and her obsession with suicide. The schools that are in it are Hamilton High School in Ohio and Clarkstown North High School in New York. Both schools have been in some way affected by teen suicides, so this about the programs they launched to turn it around.
In Hamilton high school it started after the suicide of 4 different individuals. They are approaching the situation by beginning a program called Character Day. Character Day is about motivating people to ask for help when in need. They share their emotions and things that no one really knows about them. They share their pain and leave themselves open to others. It is a program in which not only the students participate, but everyone participates in it meaning the teachers are in these workshop type environment participating in everything the students do. It talks about the kids that killed themselves and how they showed no signs of wanting to commit suicide, but after a closer look they see that they were crying for help. One of the teachers talks about how he spent time with one of the kids that killed himself. He said there was no sign. This brought him to be very involved with Character Day. It talks about how the rate has tripled for teen suicide, in order to combat this one of the ways is by communicating frankly and connecting with others. It goes with Durkheim’s sociocultural view. The more these students feel they belong the less of a chance they will commit suicide.
Throughout Stacey went to college and the pessimistic thoughts in her head would not quiet down. She felt more and more desperation and it did not take long for it to go downhill. She ended up in a psychiatric ward. She was on suicide watch. Her parents then found out that their daughter had a problem. Suicide is the second…


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