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Leadership & Management

Leadership and Management: Historically a Part of Life Liberty University BUSI 501: Executive Leadership and Management Since the early 1800s, multiple influential contributors have analyzed management and leadership. Controversy stills remains over similarities and differences between management and leadership. Colm McCormick, author of Leadership, Leadership, Leadership claims that “…everyday leadership is simply management of higher level things: everything in life comes back to management” (2009).

Harvard Business School professor, John Kotter (as cited in Satterlee, 2010, p. 5), proposes management and leadership are separate roles. Managers Manage and Leaders Lead Jacqueline McLean explores the relationship between managing and leading. According to Iscoe (as cited in McLean, 2005) “To manage is to control and manipulate” and “to lead is to influence and persuade” (p. 16). Moreover, the SEE (as cited in McLean, 2005) suggests the requirement of a leader is not a necessity thus concludes that leadership is only a skill.

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Her findings are supported by Jim Clemmer (as cited in McLean, 2005), both management and leadership are not synonymous, but are essential for an organization to achieve goals, growth, and order. Managerial Leadership Managerial leadership is vital to success and order within an organization (Satterlee, 2009, p. 8). Without management roles and focused skills (i. e. technical, human, and conceptual), those skills become incoherent, and if a mission and or vision was produced, the mission of an organization would be invisible (pp. 11-12). Management provides “planning, organizing, leading, and controlling human and other resources” (p. ). Management: Historically Faithful Prior to Adam Smith’s division of labor (Satterlee, 2009), biblical references clearly indicate the value of managers and leadership skills. In the book of Exodus, the Israelites (organization by heritage and faith) seek the will of God, and Moses clearly demonstrates the importance of the managerial role – specifically maintaining order – when replying to his father-in-law by stating, “Whenever they [Israelites] have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties and inform them of God’s decrees and instructions,” (Exodus 18:14-18, NIV).

Moses was only one of many managers of the Lord. Nehemiah was also a manager doing and encouraging God’s will; his operational management style afforded him the ability to plan the rebuild of the Wall of Jerusalem, control both internal and external influences, and maintain order. Because of his effective management, he was viewed as a leader within the Jewish community. Success managers demonstrate the ability to motivate followers, adapt to change, communicate effectively, and have the desire to lead (Satterlee, 2009). Moses and Nehemiah are biblical models of successful managerial leadership. Here are the stages in the journey of the Israelites when they came out of Egypt by divisions under the leadership of Moses and Aaron” (Numbers 33:1, NIV). References McCormack, C. (2009, February). “Leadership, leadership, leadership” are we all chanting the wrong mantra?. Retrieved from www. ColmMcCormack. com  McLean, J. (2005). Management and Leadership. Manager: British Journal of Administrative Management, (49), 16. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Satterlee, A. (2009). Organizational Management and Leadership: A Christian Perspective. Roanoke, VA: Synergistic Inc.


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