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Respect Essay

It makes other kick up to you. Its one of those virtues that impacts those around. One thing that interest me the most is that it makes you look at yourself as a differ person. Now instead of people looking down on you, you have them looking up at you. Respect can also be considered as being a gentlemen. At my school respect can be considered one of the most important values. Im even writing an essay over respect. The school thinks it is one of the corner stones to how the rest of your values will develop. We even have a school code that involves respect.

They are called the SELL they incorporate faith, academics, and service. For faith they say we should understand our religion to its fullest and what it incorporates. In academics they talk about how we should become more responsible and how we should strive to learn. The third, service talks about respect and how we should give it in order to receive it. Even there mission statement involves respect. My school is a private catholic high school so we talk about religion. It’s surprising to see that even in the time of Jesus respect was also kept.

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The elders were the most respected. They were never betrayed disobeyed or anything of that sort. Its amazing to see how millions of year back how we still see these virtues being kept. It’s also interesting how oral tradition over all those decades of time have not confused the meaning of respect with anything else. Respect goes hand in hand with leadership. Leadership needs respect but respect does not need leadership but it does come out of it. Respect usually evolves to leadership after a while. Since so many people look up at you, they usually follow what you do.

Its like the people in the army they don’t fight for the cause that’s what gets them there. They fight for the person next to them because of the respect they have for each other it’s almost like a brotherly love. Even outside of combat they still respect each other even if they don’t know that person personally as long as they were in the army they feel that respect for one another. This is because they both know what they went through to even get into the army and what they may have gone through. They also follow there superiors because of the respect they have for them.


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