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The Lord of the Rings: Frodo Versus Aragorn

The Fellowship of the Ring Formal Essay Frodo and Aragorn possess similar qualities, according to Joseph Campbell’s definition of a hero’s journey, in that they both have a common world, the Shire where Frodo lives comfortably before being forced to leave and the wandering life of a Ranger that Aragorn prefers, along with a call to adventure, as Gandalf the Grey advises Frodo to go on a quest towards Rivendell to find council while also seeking Aragorn’s help in the search for Gollum. However, only Frodo has a supernatural aid, Gandalf, therefore making him the true mythic hero.

Frodo and Aragorn have a certain lifestyle that they are most comfortable and familiar with. The region of the Shire is the only home that Frodo has ever known, where he feels protected and sheltered from the unknown outside world and the trouble brewing outside of its borders. One of his favorite pastimes is celebrating “very lively combined birthday-parties at Bag End” in honor of his own and his elder cousin Bilbo’s shared birthday with lots of “songs, dances, music, games, and, of course, food and drink” (21, 27).

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Even after Bilbo leaves permanently, much to Frodo’s dismay, he is still too attached to his home and finds that being “the Mr. Baggins of Bag End was rather pleasant…[and he] was quite happy and did not worry about the future” (42). Frodo enjoys living in Hobbiton with his kin so much that he does not have the heart to leave it at first. He is very fond of the Hobbit life and culture because it is this society that has nurtured him ever since he was born. Likewise, Aragorn has an environment that he has been accustomed to for many years.

Butterbur Barliman, the innkeeper of the Prancing Pony, refers to him as “one of the wandering folk” and Frodo notices his “high boots of supple leather that fitted him [Aragorn] well, but had seen much wear…[and] a travel-stained cloak” (153). This style of clothing depicts Aragorn, upon meeting the Hobbits in Bree, as a Ranger who has traversed all across Middle-earth in the wilderness. He is hiding his identity and trying to avoid his fate by cloaking himself under the image of a wanderer who keeps to himself and would seldom be bothered.

While the two have a common world where they are wholly accepted, they also experience the second stage of a mythic hero’s journey. The two characters exemplify a mythic hero because they both have a call to adventure. Frodo’s “herald from abroad” is Gandalf, who visits him at Bag End after learning that the ring Bilbo found is, in fact, the One Ring. He beseeches Frodo to leave the Shire, as it is no longer safe, and suggests that he “make for Rivendell…[a] journey that should not prove too perilous” to the House of Elrond (65). Frodo takes Gandalf’s advice and starts making preparations to leave the Shire.

At Gandalf’s urging, he does start to become restless and voluntarily leaves, for he feels a great desire to follow Bilbo and seek adventure, which ultimately helps him overcome his initial fear. Similarly, Gandalf also represents Aragorn’s “herald from abroad. ” The wizard becomes curious about how the ring came to Gollum, and “called for the help of the Dunedain…and opened [his] heart to Aragorn, the heir of Isildur” upon observing the many spies of Sauron gathered around the Shire (245). Aragorn agrees to help him, and the two set off and explore all of Wilderland to find the wretched creature.

He chooses to hunt for Gollum because he believes that “it seemed fit that Isildur’s heir should labour to repair Isildur’s fault, [so he] went with Gandalf on the long and hopeless search” (245). By answering his call, Aragorn inevitably becomes involved in the events of the War of the Ring, which slowly transform him into the king he was born to be. However, it is Frodo that emerges as the undeniable hero of the novel, for it is only he that has a supernatural aid. Along with being Frodo’s call to adventure, Gandalf also serves as an old mentor that guides him throughout his journey.

After telling Frodo about the history of the One Ring, he advises Frodo to take the path towards Rivendell to seek Elrond’s help. When accompanying the Hobbit on his duty as the Ring-Bearer, he encourages him by truthfully telling him that he “[has] been chosen, and [he] must therefore use such strength and heart and wits as [he has]” and that he also “take[s] after Bilbo…there is more about [Frodo] than meets the eye” (319). Gandalf truly wants to help Frodo on his quest and also supports him in his decision to go to Mordor and destroy the Ring.

The wizard’s wisdom and kind words play a huge role in Frodo’s journey, and as a friendly grandfather-like figure, he shows Frodo that he has the power to put an end to all evil. However, despite all of his unwavering assistance to Frodo and the rest of the Fellowship, Gandalf is unable to continue along with them when he is defeated by the Balrog in the mines of Moria. The demon’s thongs grab Gandalf’s knees, and then he “staggered and fell, grasped vainly at the stone, and slid into the abyss…and was gone” (322).

Now, Frodo is left to go on without Gandalf and must rely on himself and what the wizard has taught him. He heavily grieves the loss of Gandalf, but it makes him stronger, and he eventually learns that he must fulfill his destiny without a supernatural aid. Frodo is considered more of a mythic hero than Aragorn because he has the help of Gandalf, even though both have a world that they consider to be their comfort zone and in addition, also have the same “herald from abroad”, who serves as their call to adventure.

However, this comparison between the two characters has a significant meaning. J. R. R. Tolkien created Frodo the way he is, a little Halfling with barely any experience of the world outside of his home, to show that even the smallest creature is capable of achieving heroic tasks. Frodo represents the most unlikely person who comes to possess great courage, strength, and will, thus making him the true mythic hero.


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