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All posts tagged Censorship

Says Who? Music Censorship In The New Millenium

Says Who?Citizenship in America holds many rights. Among these rights are the right to vote, the right to bear arms, and the most widely treasured but largely manipulated, right to free speech. As a citizen of America the right to free speech comes along with many responsibilities, but for the . . . Read more

Censorship And The Internet

?Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances?. (United States Constitution) So reads . . . Read more

Censorship- Welcome To The Monkey House

Erin Lowe- also author of many outstanding American History essays…. of which two are published somewhere here….. one about Peter Noyes, and another about Mercantilism….. Books won’t stay banned. They won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to jail? In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always . . . Read more

Censorship And The Intern

annonThe freedom of speech that was possible on theInternet could now be subjected to governmental approvals. For example,China is attempting to restrict political expression, in the name ofsecurity and social stability. It requires users of the Internet an delectronic mail (e-mail) to register, so that it may monitor theiractivities.9 In . . . Read more

The Vast Cyber-frontier Is Being Threatend With Censorship From The Go

vernmentThesis: The vast cyber-frontier is being threatend with censorship from thegovernment. Internet censorship should be left up to the individual not thegovernments discretion. I. Censoring the Internet. A. Clinton passes the C.D.A. B. Our rights as Americans. C. Exon’s victory. D. What’s really online. E. Strike to free expresson on . . . Read more

Pornography Censorship

The censorship of pornography has been an issue that has been under constantdebate in our society. There are many arguments for and against the censorshipof pornographic materials. In the broadest of explanations, the argumentsupporting an increase in censorship is rooted in the belief that such materialmay cause direct and/or indirect . . . Read more

Unjust Censorship

Benninger, James E. Mr. BernardThinking & WritingPaper 3 / 4Unjust CensorshipOne of the greatest inventions of modern times was the printing press. With it, the painstaking process of copying books by hand was abolished, and the circulation of books on a large scale began. With this circulation came the banning . . . Read more

Internet Censorship (3424 words)

Internet CensorshipThe Internet is a wonderful place of entertainment and education but like allplaces used by millions of people, it has some murky corners people would preferchildren not to explore. In the physical world society as a whole conspires toprotect children, but there are no social or physical constraints to . . . Read more

Internet Censorship (943 words)

Internet CensorshipInternet CensorshipThe Internet is a wonderful place of entertainment and education, but like all places used by millions of people, it has some murky corners people would prefer children not to explore. In the physical world, society as a whole wants to protect children, but there are no social . . . Read more

Internet Censorship (1497 words)

Internet CensorshipAnimal cruelty encompasses a range of different behaviors harmful to animals, from neglect to malicious,brutal killings. Studies show that animal cruelty may lead to more serious forms of crime, like heavy druguse, violent outbursts, and most common, cold blooded murder. Many studies in psychology, sociology, andcriminology during the last . . . Read more


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