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Say No To Teenage Drug Abuse

However, many youngsters still try to take drugs, this can be explained by the following reasons. First, negligence of parents. In many families, both parents need to work from dawn to dusk. They do not have enough time to communicate with their children and so parents cannot understand their needs. As a result, children may feel being ignored and want to find a way to seek their parents’ attention. Some of them have found the wrong way which is to abuse drug and hope their parents can pay more wariness on them. Second, peer influence.

As teenage drug abuse is becoming more and more common nowadays, some of the adolescents may think that they should jump on the bandwagon to follow their companions. It seems that if they avoid taking drugs, they will be classified as out-group. What is more, taking drugs seems to be a symbol of bravery. Many of the teens have low self- esteem, they would like to abuse drugs so as to prove that they are not cowards. Last but not least, excessive stress. It isn’t hard to find teenagers with high pressure on their studies.

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Most of the Hong Kong students have caked schedules, with many extra-curricular activities. Some can find their own ways to relieve their stress but some believe that only by abusing drugs can they relax and enjoy the life of being a teen. Relating problems Teenage drug abuse can cause many serious problems. The most observable one is that it hinders our whole person development. Since our brains are still undergoing crucial development during the teenage years, teens who take drugs will suffer long-term damage especially for their brains.

Not only will teenage drug abuse jeopardizes our health but it also affect a en’s future. Some youngsters are arrested for possession of drugs, leading to a criminal record. It will certainly affect their future life as no one will be willing to employ them even if they turn over a new leaf. We can see that abusing drugs in a early age really do have many harmful effects. Ways for solving the problem Base on the above reasons, we believe that there are some ways for young people to stay away from drugs. Firstly, parents should try to pay more attention on their children no matter how busy they are.


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