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Roman Holidays And Festivals

Janis was very important because the Romans believed that d airways were the weakest points on any building. “In 260 BC the Romans built an important gate away temple to Janis after a victory against the previously unbeatable Carthaginian fleet. This was left open in times of war and closed when the armies had returned to the city” (Richard M . Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Festivals). Which is puzzling, but the meaning for it was so t hat while it was open Janis would be out fighting for Rome and when it was closed it meant t hat the God would not leave Rome (Richard M.

Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Festivals). February, in Ancient Rome, was the official beginning of Spring and was icons Deere a time for purification. On the 15th there was a festival called Liberally, which was started early in the day in the cave of Alpaca. Goats and one dog were sacrificed for the f easiest. Two teams of youths, each having a captain, dressed in the goat skins covered in blood. T hey would then run through the streets whipping people with the strips of goatskin, February . A woman hoping to produce a male child would try to get struck by the leather strap of leprous (wolf).

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The festival was later taken over by Christians and changed into the modern day Valentine IIS Day (Richard M. Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Festivals). On March 1 5th, the day Julius Caesar was killed, the Ides of March were Celebes dated. This observance was previously held on New Year’s Day, festival to Anna parent t he goddess of the new year. People would lay about on the river bank and drink one drink for eve ere year longer they wanted to live (Richard M. Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Festivals). In April, the Luda Florally festival took place from April 20th to May 3rd.

The fee still as to the goddess of flowers, Flora, and it was a celebration of fertility. Press Mabel the crops would have been sown, just before the festival and warmer weather. The table sees were piled high with flowers and people wore bright garlands Of flowers. It was a very imports NT festival for vine growers (Richard M. Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Festivals). May 23rd, Tuberculosis, was a festival to Vulcan, who is responsible for the m aging of sacred war trumpets(tubas). A female lamb was sacrificed in the hall of shoe makers.

On June 21 SST or 23rd, black day, it was considered an unlucky day since it marked the anniversary of the defeat to Hannibal in 21 7 BC (Richard M. Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Fests Val’s). The festival Franklin, July 25th, was to Furring, a very early goddess associate d with water. Furring had a priestess dedicated to her and her sacred grove, where t he festival was celebrated. The festival was meant to make sure there was no drought in the Summer (Richard M. Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Festivals). August 23rd, Volcanic, to Vulcan, God of libertarianism fire. The holiday was celebrated to avoid the fire burning almost ripe crops.

The Romans would sat art the day by the eight of a light of a candle to demonstrate a beneficial use of fire, they would a Iso hang their clothes and fabrics in the sun to dry. Later in the day bonfires were made and live fish and small animals were thrown in so that no humans would be consumed by the fire (Ri chard M. Hell, Ancient Roman Holidays & Festivals). On October 15th the festival Queues was celebrated. A race of chariots with two o horses on the campus Martins in honor on the right side was sacrificed to Mars, and the tail Of the horse was taken to the Regina, where it’s blood was left to drip on the hearth.


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