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Specifically, this study sought answers to the socio-economic profile of the respective respondents and the problems they encountered in accomplishing their shop projects. The researchers used the descriptive survey method. The process involved the description, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered. The study was conducted at Surging Del Sure State university – Cantina Campus, Cantina Surging del Sure. The responses were analyzed and interpreted using the appropriate parameter and statistical techniques, namely: descriptive measures, average mean and Ranking.

Premised on the findings of the study, the researchers concluded that the Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education major in food technology students had a very much serious problem in terms of their financial assistance. Financial assistance were the primary cause/ factor why the students who were taking Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education program in the food technology field of specialization cannot accomplish the shop projects on time and/or cannot accomplish the shop projects. The problems met by the respondents were described as serious based on the grand average mean.

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Culled from the foregoing conclusions, the researchers recommended that students whose field of specialization is food technology must be the primary source of the extension services of the school particularly in terms of food production, food processing, and others as facilitator or trainer so that the learning of the students will be enhanced as well as they can already accomplish the desired shop projects because of the incentives that they will get from the services they rendered in the extension. TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page List of Tables

List of figures Chapter Content Page I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Introduction Conceptual Framework Statement of the Problem Significance of the Study Scope and Limitation Definition of Terms 4 5 6 7 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Technical Education Vocational Education Project-based Learning 8 9 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design Research Environment Research Respondents Research Instrument Validation Of Instrument 12 Scoring 13 Data Gathering Procedure Data Analysis 14 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION 19 V FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Us Mary Of Findings Conclusions Recommendations BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDICES 29 31

A Us reeve Questionnaire 8 Letter-request to Conduct Study C Pictorials CURRICULUM VITAE 34 Table No. Title Respondents’ Population 32 33 2 Socio-economic Profile of the Respondents 16 3 Problems Encountered of the BITE food 18 Technology in Accomplishing Shop Projects List of Figure Figure No. CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE The more projects you do, the more learning you can gain. Courses offered in State Universities and Colleges (Chic’s) needs practical and concrete activities that would sharpen the skills and abilities of each student.

Technical teacher education followed a different preparation path since the Smith-Hughes Act established a separate system for technical training. This path has been increasingly challenged by end-of-the-century changes in the workplace and new knowledge about teaching and learning. That is why, food technology students are required to accomplish 20 shop projects in every semester. Executing projects efficiently depends on the opportunity provided for students to be able to do the project work, that is, the learning setting should be carefully designed for students.

Students can be independent learners with the help of project work by partially transferring the responsibility of the learners. It is important to emphasize the necessity of project work especially in technical/vocational field of specialization (Oozed, 1998). The project executed by the students in school has an important role in order to make the students acquire knowledge and skills needed to apply to new situations (Solomon, 2003). The project method is a mental and physical activity done in real-life like conditions.

It gives students an opportunity to experience the facts in context (Oozed, 1998; Raglan, Cohen;Roger and Strobes, 2001), allowing them to work independently and construct their own learning processes, and thus knowledge. Project work is a sign of giving importance to students’ thoughts and interests, thus, teachers should let students to develop their own projects according to their interests. When students realize that teachers value their thoughts, their personal interest and self-confidence will increase, leading to reorganization of their own potential for self-learning.

Dewey advocated for an educational structure that strikes a balance between delivering knowledge while also taking into account the interests and experiences of the student. He notes that “the child and the curriculum are simply two limits which define a single process. Just as two points define a straight line, so the present standpoint of the child and the facts and truths of studies define instruction” (Dewey, 1902). It is through this reasoning that Dewey became one of the most famous proponents of hands-on learning or experiential education, which is related to, but not synonymous with experiential learning.

He argued that “if knowledge comes from the impressions made upon us by natural objects, it is impossible to procure knowledge without the use of objects which impress the mind” (Dewey, 2009). Dew’s ideas went on to influence many other Influential experiential models and advocates. Problem-Based Learning (PL), for example, a method used widely in education today, incorporates Dew’s ideas pertaining to learning through active inquiry. Dewey not only re-imagined the way that the learning process should take place, but also the role that the teacher should play within that process.

According to Dewey, the teacher should not be one to stand at the front of the room doling out bits of information to be absorbed by passive students. Instead, the teacher’s role should be that of facilitator and guide. As Dewey (1897) explains it: the teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or o form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these. Thus the teacher becomes a partner in the learning process, guiding students to independently discover meaning within the subject area.

This philosophy has become an increasingly popular idea within present-day teacher preparatory programs. It is important to do research about how food technology students and instructors manage project work and which issues arise from the practice in order to take recreation for the possible disadvantages of shop project making. Therefore, the importance of this study is to find out why the project work cannot be done as desired, which issues need to be tackled and how to solve the encountered problems during the project making.

It is believed that the findings of this study will answer to the basic questions that may help teachers, and thus, food technology students to find ways to accomplish their shop requirements. The figure shows the input which are the socio-economic profile of the respondents and the problems encountered of the Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BITE) major in food technology in accomplishing their shop projects, the process which is the statistical analysis of the data gathered and the output which is the proposed program intervention.

Figure No. 1 1 . What is the socio- economic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1. 1 Gender 1. 2 Age 1. 3 No. Of siblings in the family 1. 4 Occupation of Mother 1. 5 Occupation of Father 1. 6 Monthly Family Income 2. What are the problems encountered by BITE Food Technology students in accomplishing shop projects in terms of: 2. 1 Financial assistance 2. 2 Level of Interest of the respondent 2. 3 Shop laboratory facilities . 4 Allotted time 2. 5 Shop instructors 3. What intervention program can be proposed?

Republic Of the Philippines The accomplishment of the shop projects of the Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BITE) major in food technology students depends upon how they handle their problems encountered during the project making. The researchers honestly believed that the results of this study will pose advantages to the following: BITE food tech. Students- the BITE food technology students would be able to know the problems encountered by most of them in accomplishing their shop projects thus, leads them in finding such solutions on their perceived problems.


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