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Research Paper on to kill a mockingbird

The Great Depression was an economical crisis that occurred between 1929 and 1939. The depression began in the United States and spread to the other countries. The depression affected millions of people around the world. Unemployment lowered to about 25% and was not expected to lower; until, 1941 when it dropped to 14. 3%. Countless number of marriages was delayed and thousands of people lost their jobs. The women were then left to fend for their men. The roles were switched and the women found work easily. The Great Depression was also known as the crash. In the novel Tactics talked bout the Cunningham being poor because of it.

The women felt empowered by their new roles and broke the rule that married women should not work outside their home. This new role led the women to gain a voice. The women found any job they could find. Most of the black women were working for the white men. In the novel there was a black woman named California who worked for a white man. Most of the women were treated badly working for the white men but, California had a good home in which she took care of the Pinch family. A most cruel way of making sure the blacks were put in “check” was the Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow

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Laws were laws created to segregate Blacks from Whites. The Jim Crow Laws acted upon issues such as poverty, education, and racism. The laws did not allow interracial churches. The same law applied to the novel, “You anti got no business bringing’ white chilling here-they got their church, we got urn… ” (136), said Lull. According to the Jim Crow Laws, “The schools for white children and the schools for negro children shall be conducted separately. ” this law also applied to the novel stating that there were no blacks at Scout’s school. In the novel Scout was ridiculed by her Cecil Jacobs who said, “Scout

Finch’s daddy defended naggers” (85). This statement insinuated that it was wrong to defend a black man in the court of law. Another major occurrence was John Dew’s view on education. Dewey created his own way of how education should be. Dewey said, ” Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is Its midwife. ” Dew’s view was to focus on judgment rather than knowledge so when the children reach adult age the could look pass discrimination. When, Dew’s view on education took place the students were taught in different way. In Lee’s novel a discussion of how Scout learned to read TCO lace. ‘Now you tell your father not to teach you any more. It’s best to beg reading with a fresh mind. You tell him I’ll take over from here and try to u the damage-” (1 9), said Miss Caroline. But, Scout did not learn how to reach her father nor the help she just picked it up. This view on how the kids of t asses were taught is thanks to John Dewey. There is a certain period in tin that a person should be able to read and write as expressed in the novel when Miss Caroline said, “We don’t write in the first grade, we print. You won’t learn to write until you’re in the third grade” (21).

A similar case to the of the novel was the murder of Emmet Till. Emmet was a 14 year old boy Chicago who moved to Mississippi with his uncle; Moose Wright. In Chicago whites and blacks lived together in peace but, in the south it was different One day Emmet decided to go in the Brand’s store and talk to a white girl, Later, in the night two men named Mila and Bryant arrived at Meet’s uncle house and kidnapped Emmet. They proceeded to Mile’s farm and beat Emmet with a . 45. Meet’s face was unbearable to see. Meet’s Boca was later found in the Tallahatchie River.

His face was so mutilated that when Wright identified the body, he could only do so based on the ring the, Till had been wearing. “During the trial of Mila and Bryant they were four not guilty even though Meet’s mother and uncle proved it was Meet’s body. The similar form of prejudice occurred in Lee’s novel. Tactics said, one place where a man ought to get a square deal is in a courtroom, be HP any color of the rainbow, but people have a way of carrying their resents right into a jury box. As you grow older, you’ll see white men cheat black n every day Of your life… ” (252).


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