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Research Paper on Smoking

States is lung cancer. Lung cancer accounts for 14% out of all cancers, and 28% out Of all cancer deaths. (ALA Lung cancer Fact Sheet) According to the American Lung Association, “Cigarette smoking is responsible for an estimated 87% of lung cancer deaths, or seven out of eight” (American Lung Association). Cigarette contains more than toxic and 4000 chemical compounds. Nicotine is the most addictive substance in tobacco. Smoking decreases the level of oxygen from reaching the tissues, giving rise to different health problems such as strokes, heart attacks or miscarriages.

Nicotine is increases cholesterol levels in the body and carbon monoxide, which decreases the amount of oxygen within the body. When cholesterol level is increase in blood, increases the chance that a heart attack. Smoking also caused of chronic coughing, shortness of breath, premature aging, recurrent infections and reduced overall fitness (Diseases Caused by Smoking). Yang Another example of health issues originated from smoking is emphysema. The Lung Association states that when one has emphysema, some of the air sacs in smokers lungs are damaged (The Lung Association).

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Emphysema does not develop suddenly, it comes very slowly. Years of exposure to cigarettes causes the development of emphysema. Secondly, smoking is also dangerous for non-smokers. Lung cancer is not only a trouble for the smoker, but it is also a trouble for the non-smokers. The indirect effect of smoking comes from two places; smokers breathe out from the other person smoking, and smoke from the end of a burning cigarette (American Lung Association). The American Lung Association said, “Indirect smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals; 200 are poisons and 43 cause of cancer. The American Lung Association) When non-smokers are stay nearby smoker, they will get some harmful effects. Kinds of cough, nausea, headache, eye irritation, sore throat, dizziness even cancer. Workplaces alone could Stop over 32,000 cancer deaths and over 75,000 heart disease deaths. According to the government, 83% of worker health complaints related to trouble with indoor air quality will decrease when workplaces become smoke- free. Constant exposure to tobacco smoke in the workplace nearly doubles the risk of having a heart attack.

Thirdly, prices of cigarettes have been going through a dramatic increase gently. The government thinks that the increase of price will protect or even get people to quit smoking (Higher Cigarette taxes). According to several studies the increase of cigarette taxes is one of the most effective ways to decrease smoking among teenager and adults (Tobacco Free Kids). These studies show that every 10% increase in the price of cigarettes will decrease total cigarette consumption by three to five percent and decrease Yang teenager smoking by about 7% (Tobacco free Kids).

If cigarette prices were increased 10% per pack throughout the country, it loud decrease the number of teenagers who become regular smokers by more than a million, saving teenager from dependence, disease and death. Studies also show that people with low income are ones that respond to the increase of prices and end up quit smoking. It is proven that smoking levels are highest among people with low incomes. Lastly, former day, people could hardly find any places without someone smoking there. Now it is prohibited to smoke in public places in many countries.

While the number of smokers is increasing, the number of places they can smoke is declining. Many provinces across Canada as well as the Washington states are making it a law that all restaurants and public areas have to be 100% smoke free (U . S. Environmental). A poll conducted by Washington state today shows that 70 % of participates preferred restaurants that were smoke-free. Over the after 45 years, smoke-free (Research about cigarette). Everyone is at risk for diseases caused from smoking when they are in public places that are not smoke-free.

Even with all the evidences that prove the dangers of smoking, some businesses still look down on banning this behavior (u. S. Environmental). There is no real evidence that proves ongoing smoke-free is bad for the business. In fact, there are many positive outcomes when a business adopts smoke-free policy. For example, maintenance cost decreases when smoke, matches, and cigarette butts are eliminated in places. Also, hardware such as equipments, floors, and furniture last longer, and of course, people’s health is freed from danger (Higher Cigarette taxes).

In result, many people have different opinions about smoking. There are many characteristic proving smoke-free places are beneficial for many reasons. The government is also trying different methods to induce people to Stop smoking. Yang The great increase in cigarette prices is the main one. They figure that this will stop people not to even start smoking. Many businesses today are changing what was used to be normal in a public area: smoking. Smoke free businesses are becoming more and more common.


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