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Most of all, to God who had enlighten err in times when patience seems to disappear and guided in everything that she did. OUTLINE Synthetic Vitamins versus Herbal Vitamins: Their effects on Children Thesis Statement: Herbal vitamins are more effective and safe than synthetic multivitamin on the recommended dosage of children. Introduction: The comparison of the two vitamins on the effects to the body especially on the children with the following objectives: A. This paper aims to show the difference between herbal and synthetic multivitamins. B. It also shows the beneficial effects of the two to children.

C. This is to define the two vitamins ensured by the children. I. Vitamins Overview A. The definition of multivitamins, both synthetic and herbal. B. The history of vitamins discovery in ancient times. C. The role of these vitamins to human body. II. The two classifications of vitamins. A. What are the water-soluble vitamins? B. What are the Lipid-soluble/Fat-subtle vitamins? Ill. The two sources of multivitamin consumed by children. A. Herbal vitamins which freshly consume. B. Synthetic multivitamins available in pharmacy shelves. IV. The comparison of herbal and synthetic multivitamins.

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A. The difference be;en herbal/natural and synthetic vitamins B. The effects of these vitamins to human body. 1 . The good effects between the two multivitamins. 2. The undesirable effects of these two to humans. Conclusion: Promoting the use of herbal vitamins on children rather than synthetic multivitamins. A. Herbal Vitamins are safe and effective. B. This may utilize the natural resources found at home. Introduction Everybody wants a good health every day, with all the different activities and deadlines to meet, no one would want to be weak.

Because Of this, we eat healthy foods and take multivitamins to maintain our body’s vitality. Nutrition is also very important and difficult to achieve in children. Like us, they also have to eat the right food and take sufficient amount of multivitamins that they need for their growth and development. According to Wisped. Com, vitamins are requirement to the body. It has to be present at all times to facilitate the chemical reactions in the skin, bone and muscle. Multivitamins deficiency may develop to diseases. Vitamins are obtained naturally-by food, or by taking synthetic multivitamins process in the laboratories.

Tara Parker in New York Times also agreed in her report stating that vitamins are all organic nutrients that are necessary in small amounts for normal body injunction and good health. Your diet or any supplements you take provide most vitamins. The body can manufacture only three vitamins (D, K, and the B vitamin biotin) from monetary sources. Unlike carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, vitamins are not sources of energy. Instead, vitamins are chemical partners for the enzymes involved in the body’s metabolism, cell production, tissue repair, and other vital processes.

Moreover, the purposes of this paper are to present the information gathered about the two vitamins. This paper aims to define herbal and synthetic vitamins. It also aims to show the preference between herbal and synthetic multivitamins and the beneficial effects of these two to children and to research about the advantages of herbal vitamins against synthetic multivitamins. It concludes with the commendation of the safer choice of multivitamins to children intake. The research is limited to children multivitamins and understanding about children’s nutrition.

Over the past centuries, people had discovered that they will get sick if a certain vitamins lack in their diet. Children are always advised to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to get the amount that they need to help them grow ND develop. Philips Encyclopedia stated that vitamins are organic compound that is essential in small amount of maintenance and healthy growth of all animals. Vitamins and minerals are microinstructions, substances needed only in miniscule amounts, but essential for the body to produce enzymes; hormones, and other substances needed for proper growth and development (Banks, 2009).

Vitamins, which are present in minute quantities in foods in their natural state, are essential for normal metabolism and for the development and maintenance of tissue structure and function. Children also o not require the same quantity of minerals and vitamins as adults (Wigwam, 1990). A detailed understanding of the role of vitamins and minerals is of relatively recent origin. Sir Frederick G. Hopkins (1 861-1947) born in England conducted a systematic studies began early in the 20th century, with the discovery of “Vitamins B,” (Thiamine).

The particular designation, 81, was the label on the test-tube in which the sample was collected. The general term vitamin was chosen because the compound which is vital for life is chemically classed as amines, later, it was found out that not all vitamins composed of amines (Banks. 009). Christian Kinsman (1858-1930) was a member of a medical term that was sent to the East Indies to study beriberi in 1886. In 1896, Kinsman accidentally discovered the cause of the beriberi when he noticed that chicken used in the lab had develop symptoms characteristics of the disease.

He found that the symptoms had developed when the cook had started feeding the chickens rice meant for hospital patients. The symptoms disappeared when a new cook resumed feeding the chicken feed to the chickens. Later, it was recognized that thiamine (Vitamin B,) is present in rice hulls but not in the polished rice. For his worked, Kinsman shared the 1 929 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine with Frederick Hopkins (Bruise et. Al. , 2007). Vitamins are essential for the normal growth and development of a multicultural organism.

These nutrients facilitate the chemical reactions that produce among other things, skin, bone, and muscle. If there is serious deficiency in one or more of these nutrients, a child may develop a deficiency disease. Once growth and development are completed, vitamins remain essential nutrients for the healthy maintenance of cells, tissues, and organs that make up a multicultural organism; they also enable a multicultural life form to efficiently use chemical energy provided by food it eats, and to help process the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats required for respiration (Wisped. Com). Classification of Vitamins Vitamins often classified on the basis of solubility; they either are lipid-soluble or water-soluble. The solubility differences among vitamins have significant implications for nutrition and health. This means that the fat-soluble vitamins need not to be taken daily. The water-soluble in contrast are not generally stored; any in used excess is excreted in urine (Banks. 009). Vitamins are group as water-soluble: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin BE, Vitamin BIB, foliate, pentatonic acid, biotin, and Vitamin C; and fat-soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E, and K (Tierney et. L. ,2005). A. The fat-soluble/lipid-soluble vitamins and its roles: Vitamin A (retinal) plays important role in vision, as well as in growth. The substance is also essential for tissue differentiation, permitting epithelial cell to transform into specific type of cells required for specific bodily functions. Vitamins D (calciferous) compared with other vitamins; it is unique in two aspects. First, the active form is actually a hormone, and second, it can be formed by skin during exposure to sunlight. The hormonal form of vitamin D enhances intestinal absorption of calcium.

Vitamin D deficiency in children results, in rickets, an abnormality of bone and connective tissue. The result is stunted growth, delayed tooth maturated, soft skull and bone deformities. Vitamin E (alpha technophobe) has many biological functions, the antioxidant function being the most important and best known. Other functions include enzymatic activities, gene expression, and neurological function(s). The most important function of vitamin E has been suggested to be in cell signaling (and it may not have a significant role in antioxidant metabolism) (Wisped. Mom). Vitamin K (phytoplankton, medicinal) is necessary for the production of thrombi, a protein essential for blood-clotting. A. The water- soluble and It’s role: Vitamin H (biotin) is essential for metabolism of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. It functions within enzyme systems in the carbonization and decertification of intermediate molecules, cataloging the denomination of amino acids and the synthesis Of ILEC acid. Cannibalizing (812) participates n the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, but most significantly in the anabolism of DNA.

Folic Acid (89) is converted in the body to its biologically active form, tetrachloride Acid (THEFT). THEE, in conjunction with Cannibalizing catalysts intermediary metabolic reaction of amino acids and metrication of cooling, Mennonite, serine and histamine. Niacin plays an essential role in energy transfer during glucose and fat metabolism. A deficiency affects the integrity and energy of cells in the body. Pentatonic acid enzyme involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Pyridoxine (86) participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and protein but with emphasis in protein and amino acid metabolism.

Riboflavin (82) cellular growth is inhibited in the absence of riboflavin. It is important for body growth and red blood cell production and helps in releasing energy from carbohydrates. Thiamine (BOO is one of the B vitamins, a group of water- soluble vitamins that are part of many of the chemical reactions in the body. Thiamin also plays a role in muscle contraction and conduction of nerve signals. (http://www. Ml. NIH. Gob/midlines/once/article/002401 . Tm) Vitamin C is essential for growth and repair of tissue and is needed by the adrenal glands for hormone synthesis. B.

Vitamin Sources We could get vitamins through fruits and vegetables but with some nutritional gaps can still occur because of soil deficiencies, lack of variety in the diet or environmental factors then synthetic ways have become more popular among users. Natural vitamins, whether we get them from our daily diet, from sunshine, or from store bought capsules or liquids, vitamins are vital to our health and to the proper functioning of our bodies. Vitamin efficiencies lead to a wide range of problems spanning from anorexia to obesity, organ malfunction, confusion, depression and fatigue Move. Challenging. Com).

Vitamins can be legally called “natural” even if made in the laboratory. Vitamin C, for example, is factory made from starch. Starch is certainly natural, so the product can be termed “natural”. Most biochemist agreed that this process Vitamin C identical to Vitamin C found in orange juice for the reasons that they appear to have identical molecular structure, Vitamin C in animal bodies is made from carbohydrates and the product is clinically effective (www. Storytellers. Com). As far as getting extra vitamins and minerals that we don’t get from food, we look to herbs. Herbs are plants. They are whole foods.

They are full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are nourishing to our bodies (www. Geographically. Com) Moreover, vitamin A can found in animal liver, eggs, dairy products, carrots and cantaloupe. Vitamin D in fish liver oil, fatty saltwater fish, and dairy products fortified with vitamin. Vitamin E found in corn, cotton soy, and safflower oil; wheat germ, peaches and prunes. As well as vitamin K can be found in spinach, green cabbage, tomatoes, liver, and mean meat. Vitamin C are adequate in citrus fruits, berries, melons, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, turnip green, parsley, and sweet peppers.

Vitamin B complex can be found in algae, seaweed, bananas and plants (McGraw-Hill Concise Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 6th Edition, 2009). Aside from getting the recommended vitamins, we could get them through over-the-counter in the pharmacy shelves. These are the commonly called synthetic vitamin in which noting or pertaining to compounds formed through a chemical process by human agency. A healthy, organic diet should revive a good amount of nutrients that the body needs, but supplements can help ensure that we are getting a healthy serving of specific vitamins.

The problem is that many vitamin and mineral supplements are manufactured synthetically with chemicals and do not come straight from their natural sources. They are made to mimic the way natural vitamins act in our bodies. Natural vitamins are derived directly from plant material containing the vitamin, not produced in a test tube (www. Egalitarianism’s. Com). C. Comparison of Herbal and Synthetic Vitamins The way these compounds are made is not remotely similar to the metabolic recesses that plants and animals use to create them. The finished product is also usually a compound not exactly the same form as any found in nature.

These synthetic vitamins, according to a multitude of studies, are not as available, observable, or usable. Below are the comparisons of each vitamin between synthetic and naturally occurring vitamins stated by Sanitarium. Com: Natural Vitamin A shows up in food as beta-carotene. The body must convert it into vitamin A to be useful. This sounds less effective, but vitamin A can be toxic in large doses. Beta-carotene allows the body to invert what it needs and discard what it does not as a natural safeguard against damage. However, synthetic Vitamin A is retinal palpitate or retinal acetate.

This synthetic is made from combining fish or palm oil with beta- minion. Palm oil is leading to deforestation of rainforest’s and endangerment Of orangutans. Beta-minion is created using citrus, acetone, and calcium oxide. Natural Vitamin Bal (Thiamin, or vitamin Bal), is a water soluble vitamin created by plants and bound to phosphate. Digestion releases the thiamin using specialized enzymes that target phosphate. While synthetic Vitamin Bal Thiamine monitored or thiamine hydrochloride) is made from coal tar, ammonia, acetone, and hydrochloric acid. It is much less observable since it isn’t bound to phosphate.

It is crystalline in structure, unlike plant-based vitamins. Many synthetic vitamins are crystalline. Crystals in our blood stream cause damage and mineral accumulation where it isn’t needed, like joints. Natural Vitamin 82 (Riboflavin) is easily absorbed, stays in the blood stream for long periods of time, and is readily used by the body in many important enzymes. Synthetic Vitamin 82 is made with acetic acid and nitrogen or using unethically modified bacteria and fermentation. It has been shown to be less observable and then quickly removed from the blood stream and expelled in urine like a toxin would be.

Natural Vitamin BE (Nicknamed or incineration) is what we find in food and commonly call niacin. Niacin can have side effects, but these are minimal when coming from plant foods. Synthetic Vitamin 83 (Nicotine acid) is created using coal tar, ammonia, acids, 3-countrywide, and formaldehyde. It is less observable and has more risks of side effects. Natural Vitamin 85 (Pantheons) is the natural version of this essential B vitamin. Synthetic Vitamin BE (Pentatonic acid) involves substitutability and formaldehyde to form a calcium or sodium salt.

The alcohol derivative, pantheons, is sometimes used as it is more stable and lasts longer on store shelves. Natural Vitamin 86, like Bal, pyridoxine is bound with phosphate in plants to make pyramidal-phosphate. This is the biologically active form. Any other form of 86 must be converted into this phosphate combination before our body can use it. Synthetic Vitamin BE (Pyridoxine hydrochloride) comes from petroleum ester, hydrochloric acid, and formaldehyde. It isn’t readily absorbed or converted and has been shown to actually inhibit the action of natural 36 in the body.

It also has side effects not normally found with natural food sources of this vitamin. Natural Vitamin 87 (Biotin) is involved in cell growth, fat production, and metabolism. Synthetic Vitamin BE is produced using funfair acid. Natural Vitamin 89 vitamin exists in food as foliate and is very important in the creation and repair of DNA, thus the vital importance of this vitamin before and during pregnancy. Synthetic Vitamin BE (Folic acid) doesn’t exist in natural foods, is crystalline, and is not easily absorbed despite he large amounts that are added to vitamins and supplements. It comes from petroleum derivatives, acids, and acetylene.

Natural Vitamin BIB – Cabling 812 is only created by micro-organisms like the bacteria that grow in soil and our intestines, as well as some micro-algae and perhaps some seaweed species. Synthetic Vitamin Bal 2, Cobalt and cyanide are fermented to make cannibalizing. That’s correct. Cyanide. It is in miniscule amounts, but it is still cyanide. Natural Cooling is often grouped with B vitamins. It is combined with phosphate in nature and is important in cell membranes and peeping fat in check. Synthetic Cooling, Cooling chloride or cooling batteries is made using ethylene, ammonia, and hydrochloric acid or tartaric acid.

It is not bound to phosphate. Natural Vitamin C is readily available in citrus, red bell peppers, berries, and many more fruits and vegetables. In nature it is combined with flavorings and photosynthesis that help in its absorption and use. Synthetic Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is an isolated vitamin from genetically modified corn sugar that is hydrogenated and processed with acetone. It does not include the flavorings and photosynthesis that make it work. Natural Vitamin D, technically this one isn’t always thought of as a vitamin since we make it ourselves. Mushrooms, yeast, and lichen produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight.

Humans do too. A daily dose of about 20 minutes of sunlight provides all we need. Vitamin DO is the most effective kind, the same that comes from our own skin and lichen. Mushrooms and yeast Often yield DO. Synthetic Vitamin D, to mimic the natural production we find in our skin, scientists irradiate animal fat to stimulate vitamin DO synthesis. They usually use lanolin, the waxy secretions from sheep skin that keeps wool dry. Natural Vitamin E (d-alpha technophobe) actually refers to 8 different fat soluble compounds and it acts as an antioxidant that protects fats from oxidation.

The most biologically active form is found in grains, seeds, and the oils from grains and seeds. Synthetic Vitamin E, the synthetic ODL-alpha technophobe is created using refined oils, trimethylhydroquinone, and isopleths. It is not as easily absorbed, doesn’t stay as long in tissues, and is quickly dispelled like a toxin or unknown chemical. Natural Vitamin K, this vitamin is important to proper blood clotting and some metabolic pathways. It is found in dark leafy greens. Synthetic Vitamin K, methadone, comes from coal tar derivatives and genetically modified and hydrogenated soybean oil, and uses hydrochloric acid and nickel.

It is considered highly toxic and damages the immune system. (http://NNW. Sanitarium. Com/) Conclusion As we have learned in the earlier, vitamins were needed by children for their growth and development. Vitamins often classified on the basis of solubility; they either are lipid-soluble or water-soluble. The solubility differences among vitamins have sign efficient implications for nutrition and health. Vitamins are group as water-soluble: thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin 86, Vitamin 812, foliate, pentatonic acid, biotin, and Vitamin C; and fat-soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E, and K.


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