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Professional Development Plan

Developing a plan that will address the characteristics of “Learning Team C” including the team member designated as manager. If the plan is effective, it can be used to determine the needs of the learning team. It can also be used as a tool for the members to assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the resources needed to help them reach their career goals.
DISC Assessment
During week one of organizational leadership all of the members of “Learning Team C” took the DISC Platinum rule; a behavioral style assessment that breaks down the individuals predominant behavioral styles; dominance, interactive, steadiness, and cautious. Sixteen sub-styles further attempt to explain the results. “Learning Team C” is comprised of five members and none of them has the steadiness style. Three out of five have the interactive style. The Dominance Styles are driven self-starters who are most at ease when they are responsible for individuals and circumstances. They strive to undertake numerous things, so they put emphasis on straightforward methodologies to bottom-line outcomes. The Interactive Styles are sociable, energetic who like to be where the action is. They thrive on acknowledgment, positive reception, and praises that arise with being in the glare of publicity. People that are The Interactive Style are more relationship orientated and like to have fun rather than being task oriented and serious. The Cautious Styles are logical, tenacious, methodical individuals who appreciate problem solving. The sub-styles are enthusiast, adventurer, producer, pioneer, and the mastermind. The enthusiast is less open and more direct. This particular individual is driven by swaying people. They enjoy symbols of authority and prestige. The adventurer is less guarded and more direct. The individual is driven by dominance and independence. They have a results-oriented nature. The producer is less guarded and less direct. Their primarily driven by personal goals…


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