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Post-Traumatic Stress

The Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that may
develop in people after a horrible experience. This is a big reaction to extreme
stress. There are many causes, symptoms, and treatments for the post-traumatic
stress disorder. There are many causes this disorder has, and this includes:
coming out of war, being raped, or attacked, child abuse, natural disasters, car
accidents, and even people who witness traumatic events could develop this
disorder. A person who has experienced a bad traumatic event has a better chance
of developing this disorder than a person who experienced a less traumatic event
develops. This works the same way with people who witness something horrible.

Some people also have biological or psychological problems that make them more
likely to develop this disorder. Or having anxiety disorders in their families
that may have inherited genetics to react more severely to stress and trauma
than other people. Persons early childhood experiences that made them feel that
events are uncontrollable have a greater chance of getting this disorder. Some
people are kind of like protected from this disorder by having a strong social
network with their friends and family. In war veterans they call this disorder
shell shock or combat fatigue. People with this disorder ?relive¦
the event again and again though nightmares and memories during the day. They
will sometimes have flashbacks where they will fall into their own world and
relive images, and sounds from the trauma. Because of their extreme anxiety and
distress from the event, they will try to avoid anything that would happen to
remind them of it. They may seem emotionally numb, detached, irritable, and
easily startled. They may feel guilty about surviving a traumatic event that
killed other people because they now think that they should have done something.

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Other symptoms include trouble concentrating, depression, and sleep
difficulties. Symptoms of the disorder usually begin shortly after the traumatic
event, but some people may not show symptoms for several years. If left
untreated, the disorder can last for years. Post-traumatic stress disorder can
ruin someone-s life. The emotional pain of reliving the trauma, the
symptoms of the disorder may cause a person to think that he or she is
?going crazy.¦ People with this disorder may have angry outbursts at
family members. At other times, they may seem to have no affection for their
loved ones. Some people try to mask their symptoms by abusing alcohol or drugs.

Others work very long hours to prevent any down periods when they might relive
the trauma. Such actions may delay the onset of the disorder until these
individuals retire or become sober. Treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder
may involve psychotherapy, psychoactive drugs, or both. Psychotherapists help
individuals confront the traumatic experience, work through their strong
negative emotions, and overcome their symptoms. Many people with post-traumatic
stress disorder benefit from group therapy with other individuals suffering from
the disorder. Physicians may prescribe antidepressants or anxiety-reducing drugs
to treat the mood disturbances that sometimes accompany the disorder. Studies
have found from 1 to 14 percent of people suffer from post-traumatic stress
disorder at some point during their lives. The findings vary widely due to
differences in the populations studied and the research methods used. Among
people who have survived traumatic events, the prevalence appears to be much
higher. The disorder may be particularly prevalent among people who have served
in combat. For example, one study of veterans of the Vietnam War found that
veterans exposed to a high level of combat were nine times more likely to have
post-traumatic stress disorder than military personnel who did not serve in the
war zone of Southeast Asia. In conclusion, the post-traumatic stress disorder is
an extreme illness that has many causes, symptoms and treatments.


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