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Popular Methodology

Popular methodology Four methods -Suggestopedia by Georgi Lozanov The method is established on the idea of removing barriers to learning, and for that reason comfortable and relaxed atmosphere is created. Students have different identities from their real ones throughout the course, so that they feel secure. Physical surroundings and atmosphere of the classroom is very important  •Stud should be comfortable, confident and relaxed; the affective filter should be lowered; barriers to learning are tried to be removed •Infantilisation is important; there is a parent-child relationship between the teacher and students There are three main parts of a suggestopaedic lesson. 1They are oral review section, 2-presentation and 3-discussion of new dialogue material and finally, concert session(slow movements from baroque period at sixty beats perm in min. -Total Physical Response TPR by James Asher The students are asked to respond physically to the language they hear. language processing is matched with physical action  The teachers direct all the behaviours of the students. The teacher performs the actions with some students at first and then he gives students commands. When the students respond all correctly, they start giving commands to their classmates. The method emphasises the idea of lowering anxiety and facilitating learning. •Lowering the affective filter is important *If children learn much of their language form speech directed at them in the form of commands to perform actions, then adults will learn best in that way too. ***common point of four methods (CLL, The Silent Way, Suggestopaedia, and TPR)? The all four methods aim to facilitate the learning by lowering the affective filter in the language learning environment. -The Silent Way (Caleb Cattegno) the teacher is silent as much as possible in this method. The goal of the method is to force the awareness of the students and let them discover the language themselves. The role of the students is to explore the language actively.

The teacher uses a phonemic chart or a Cuisenaire rods and students explore correct sounds and pronunciation. • Physical objects like Cuisenaire Rods are used to facilitate learning and interaction The teacher guides the students to produce the structure by speaking minimally. The students are responsible for their own learning but creating and organizing learning process is the teachers’ duty. •The idea behind this method is that learning is best facilitated if the learner discovers and creates language rather than just remembering and repeating what has been taught. he teacher says as little as  • The teacher models sounds by pointing a phonemic chart, students imitate the teacher; then the students can point to elements on the chart or arrange the cuisinaire rods; students have work out what the correct language is • teacher indicates by gesture or expression what the students should do, and whether or not they are correct •Examples& corrections are given verbally only when the teacher thinks it is really necessary. students’ job to solve problems and learn the language.

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The students are responsible for their own learning but CREATING and ORGANIZING learning process is the TEACHERS’ duty. -Community Language Learning CLL (CLL): learning how to use the language communicatively is the main goal of the teachers who use CLL. Teachers are the counselors for the learners. Teachers try to facilitate the learning by helping their students see how to use the target language communicatively. • The teacher’s job is to facilitate rather than to teach.

Reflection is an important element for CLL, the aim is to help students to overcome their negative feelings which can inhibit their learning •Stud sit in a circle ,decide on what they want to talk about, a counselor or a knower provides or corrects target lang. • A student says what he wants to say either in English or in his native language; if it is in the native language the knower translates it into English, then the student can say what he wants to say in English


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