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Mexican Culture

I come from a family of five, that’s including me, and I’ve lived in a Mexican culture throughout my whole life. The culture itself has taught me many good things like when you grow up you have to be independent and that work comes first. As a kid my family has always told me “do right and not wrong.” That includes like going to college that way when I finish my pursued career I will be able to get a well paying job so I can support my family. Throughout my entire life my parents have always wanted the best for me in life and always tell me “get a higher education then what we had.” Now that I am older I am able to think that education is really important and necessary in life, because I have seen their jobs and I realize how hard it is without a college education. They aren’t very pleasant jobs, that is why I see myself getting a higher education.Ever since I was young I was forced and punished to do my homework because work traditionally comes first in our culture. Now that I am older I am thankful for my parents forcing me to do my homework because now I realize how much importance it really is for my future. Without my family’s support I would not be here where I am right now. They have helped me throughout the years until a couple of years ago due to their limited high school education, and because of the economic crisis. Although they haven’t been able to help me lately, all I need now from them is their love and support.Family culture has been a big influence on me and what I want to do in life. I say this because I see how people in my family who haven’t finished their high school education suffer, and struggle with life and bringing money to the family. That has really made me think, “Do I want to do what he is doing?”, and in reality who wants to have a hard life. Another problem is when I see a homeless man in my community, for some odd reason it reminds me of a person who didn’t get their education. That is why my family really pushes me in…


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