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Dear Diary,When I found out that Duncan was coming to my castle at Inverness, I felt nervous because my wife had already talked to me about the witches’ prophecies and said that to accomplish the position of king I would need to commit murder. My dearest Lady Macbeth urges me to control my own future and murder Duncan to obtain the position. But to imagine myself, dagger in hand, scares me. I need to start acting like a snake, put on an innocent smile but really be the serpent under. I didn’t know if I could kill Duncan just to be king. I wanted to be King because I am a leader but Duncan was very trusting. He trusted me as his Kinsman and his host so by killing him I feel like Macdonald. I am very worried that I will regret this decision, even if I do become King. When my wife found out I would proceed no further with this business of murdering Duncan, she was furious. She told me that I am just a coward like the poor cat I’ the adage. But a real man would risk his life to protect his King not go and murder him. When my wife told me the plan I was astonished. The plan was that she would wine with Duncan’s two chamberlains making them unable to protect him, therefore getting the blame for his death. The plan was missing one thing, we shall smear the blood of Duncan all over his chamberlains sweetening the deal. This plan shall not fail. The night after the banquet, I met Banquo and Fleance in the courtyard. We spoke briefly about the event held at my castle. He mentioned he had been dreaming of the three witches. I asked him for his support when the time comes I had hoped he caught on to my bribe but he replied “ So I lose none, in seeking to augment it, but still keep my bosom franchis’d, and allegiance clear, I shall be counsell’d. I thought that Banquo seemed off edge. His response seemed more like an insult than the help I was seeking. He had made it seem that I was up to something dishonourable and I didn’t like that but instead of getting worked…


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