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Key Principles Of Person Centred Dementia Care

Care Committee to specify indicators of quality in relation to person-centered dementia care services. It is not intended to be definitive or to provide detailed information on dementia. The Statement will be periodically reviewed. It is expected that a person-centered approach will be evidenced in the Statement of Purpose and Service User Guides produced by NC members. Dementia is defined by the Mental Health Foundation (2006) as: ” a decline in mental ability which affects memory, thinking, problem solving, concentration and perception…

Dementia is almost invariably a disease of ageing. A person-centered approach to providing care and support is as important for people who receive services (and their family or significant others) as it is to staff. The emphasis should always be on the person as an individual. In a precedents approach the unique qualities of the individual as determined by their life history and experiences, likes and dislikes, are their defining characteristics. People with dementia have the same rights as citizens.

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This includes the right to be treated with dignity and respect. Care and support services should build on individual torrents and abilities to maximize and promote independence. Services should enable people to feel valued and safe. The inherent risks of life should be recognized. However, given Key principles of person-centered dementia the potential vulnerability of some people with dementia there is a need for a good understanding of adult protection requirements.

Each of the principles contained in this Best Practice Statement is supported by example key indicators. Assessment, care planning and Assessment, care planning and reviewing are key aspects of best practice. Documenting the service received by individuals is vital. The way in which care services are documented will evidence what is occurring for the individual as well as demonstrating whether person-centered care is integral to the service provided.

Key indicators of best practice: ; a full assessment is undertaken prior to a service being provided ; evaluation and reassessment is ongoing ; all relevant documentation used by the organization demonstrates that ; the individual is fully involved ; cultural needs are appropriately considered ; well-being for the individual is actively promoted ; the language used will be acceptable to the errors receiving care ; care plans are used as communication tools evaluation is meaningless in the absence of well documented care ; a key worker system matches individuals and staff ; relatives (and significant others) feel involved and supported Valuing communication Effective communication improves the quality of life of people with dementia. It is essential that efforts are made to enhance communication, make time to listen and to understand.


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