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Journal Article Lit Review

Race can not only positively affect an individual but it can also negatively affect an individual and this is where an issue arises. Television is a source Of entertainment that is exposed to millions Of individuals a day. Shows like Modern Family draw in huge followings solely due to the material in the sitcom. The shows do a numerous amount of things like relating to the audience, providing some sort of comic relief, pointing out certain issues, etc… This article looked at a comedy sitcom called Madam & Eve. This sitcom not only pointed out issues with race but also with class and ender with a focus on postcolonial South Africa.

The show involved two main individuals. One individual was a white “Madam” and in a higher position in social class. Eve is a younger black individual that was in the working class and also the maid of Madam. Immediately, this show points out an issue of how class and race is currently viewed by having the white in power over the black. With shows like this still out in the open world, individuals will never let this idea of “race” go. Race should be a way to easily define individuals just like individuals define materialistic items. Race is can be a way of power and until it disappears, our progressive politics are at risk.

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With the final paper in mind, this article can help point out how race is viewed in different areas of the world. Alley-young, G. , (2008) Articulating Identity: Refining Postcolonial and Whiteness Perspectives on Race within Communication Studies. Review of Communication, 8, 307-321, DOI:10. 1 080/15358590701845311 Although things have evolved overtime since the sass’s, race still seems to be an issue all around the world. Race is viewed by some individuals as a way of power. For example, if an individual is white they feel the need to have this “white privilege” or in other words, “l can do it because am white”.

This article takes three perspectives, Cartesian dualism, performance, and the gaze, and demonstrates how race is explored through these three perspectives. These three perspectives are demonstrated through postcolonial and whiteness scholarship. There are many ideas put through this article including different views from feminists scholars and provides numerous academic paths to understanding the concept. Understanding this article will help understand how performance, dualism and the gaze play a role in whiteness or white privilege.

It demonstrates how white privilege can be viewed as a way of assurance or a tool or map but is invisible until it is performed out the norm. Whiteness is not a fixed or needed meaning but instead determined by the communication meaning. Whiteness is an important part of race since white is technically of power in the racial perspective. This article will help in my final paper simply by providing information on how white is viewed in the racial perspective and how whiteness is hidden in the world. Com 323 Yammer, D. (2011) The Journey into an Unfamiliar and Uncomfortable Territory: Exploring the Role and Approaches of Race in PR Education.

Journal of Public Relations Research, 23, 458-477. DOI:l O. 1080/1062726X. 2011. 605971 Race is a powerful and very diverse topic. Race can affect any individual no matter of color, whether it be negative or positive. Race isn’t defined by any sort of genetics but instead by color. No matter the individuals real “race’, the color of the individual also plays a factor in socially determining an individuals race. With the focus being on PR education or public relations, PR has a focus that is not entirely attached to race, or recognizing of power but instead the focus Is on becoming a practitioner for a controlling group like the government.

This is where the issue arises because the ones in control are causing this idea of “white privilege” and when the ones coming in to possibly take over have no focus on race but instead being trained to the same mindset as those that are labeled as having “white privilege”. Until individuals get a full understanding of race, race will always have a level of power. Many areas including PR education ignores topics like race when it plays a semi big role in the topic. The problem will never be fixed or close to fixed with it being ignored in every direction.

This article will help in my final paper by providing insight on how PR contains the role of race and how it is perceived within. The methods used to pull data in this article will be helpful point out on how ignoring something will not make it go away but instead never progress. Hendrix, K. , Wilson, C. (2014) Virtual Invisibility. Race and Communication Education. Communication Education, 63, 405-428, DOI:1 0. 080/03634523. 2014. 934852 Race can only be heard when it is put out into the world. The people who put race into the is going to be teachers or instructors but that isn’t exactly what is occurring.


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