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Inner vs. Physical Beauty

In today’s society, physical beauty and appearance is stressed from a very young age. Maybe unknowingly, your parents submitted you to a life of striving to be “beautiful. ” Your parents may have given you a faultless, slender, beautiful Barbie doll for you to play with when you were younger, mistakenly cementing you in to a world where beauty is the solution to be happy and successful in life. In many fairy tales, such as “Cinderella,” being beautiful is associated with being a good person, which influences women and children to try to achieve beauty and worry less about their thoughts and character.

Attractiveness is very crucial to most people’s everyday being because of the warped version of beauty our society displays. Instead of focusing on outer beauty, inner beauty should be the main concern of all people. One may be flawless on the outside, but beauty lies within a person, not external splendor. A truly beautiful woman is strong willed, kind-hearted, and well-rounded. If the inner beauty of a woman is superior, then it will be portrayed on the surface to people who know her or see her.

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Real beauty is something that has to be natured and comes from within. An individual’s awareness of values, spirit and qualities are what determines genuine inner beauty. The beauty looked at with eyes doesn’t last forever, so we should focus more on the inner beauty of people. When a person has true inner beauty, it shines through on the outside through actions, words, and character. A real beautiful person is someone that is aware of others and has pleasing interior characteristics such as kindness, generosity, caring, and compassionate.

Although we all fall crime to the cliche “judging a book by its cover,” we eventually come to realize that the essential characteristics of people are rather within a person’s soul rather than the beauty of their appearance. Most people are first attracted to others because of their outermost facade and don’t take into account their internal flaws and indifferences. Not all beautiful people are wholly attractive, especially on their interior . One cannot enjoy spending time with a beautiful person that they have absolutely nothing in common with or has cynical flaws that are impossible to ignore.

That is why, before you fall in love with someone, you need to take into consideration that they’re perfect exterior may be reverse on their interior. No matter your outermost appearance, all people have some innermost attractiveness. Women are constantly under pressure to become the societies distorted beautiful, when in reality you will find your friends and soul mates based upon your actions and beliefs. When you walk into any store, you will see magazines plastered with faces that seem unrealistically gorgeous. You see eighty pound models walking across runways and of course the traditional “skinny” and “fat. The fact of the matter is that these women on the covers of magazines aren’t, in actuality, themselves, but rather a computer generated and enhanced version of them. Studies show that almost every woman in the United States have insecurities concerning their hair, face, body, etc. , and the addition of public display of unrealistic beauty decreases a woman’s self confidence just by glancing over the cover of a magazine. If there were no superficial standards of beauty in the world, people would not judge people by their looks, but rather by their personality. The real beauty in people would be seen and revealed to others.

Some people marry and ‘fall in love’ with superficially beautiful people because they are awestruck by the others’ beauty. When the person suddenly becomes less beautiful after years of aging, they rely on their inner beauty to keep them satisfied, which usually ends up as a dreadfully painful relationship or a breakup. If everyone could forget their distorted and transformed idea of physical beauty, then more people would be happier with themselves and their lives. Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty because inner beauty is a true reflection of who the person is while outer beauty is what other people see when they look at you.

Physical appearance is often too important to women today, while instead they should be broadening their horizons and learning how to be a better person on their inside. There are many influential pressures women have on them today to be the society’s idea of beautiful, but if women continue to focus on their inner beauty, they would result in more friends and a better chance at love. Inner beauty wins the battle over physical beauty continuously because people look for people in which they can relate and talk to. The Importance of Inner Beauty over Physical Beauty By Cara Wallace Mrs. Chambers 5th Honors Lit


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