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English Grammar Research Paper First Draft April

Caleb Morrow English Grammar Research Paper 7 April 2015 Parts of Speech Parts of speech are the basic words that English has. They are what we use every day in our life. There are a total of eight parts of speech but recently there has been another one added. The nine parts of speech are: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. It is important to be able to recognize and identi#y’ the different types of words in English, so that you can understand grammar explanations and use the right word form in the right place in any situation. A noun is a person, place, or thing.

It is also called a naming word. There are different types of nouns as well. There are count nouns, mass nouns, collective nouns, abstract nouns, and collective nouns. Count nouns are anything that can be counted like: five baseballs, a few glass bowls, or a dozen eggs. A mass noun is something that can’t be counted such as water, air, and blood. A collective noun is a noun that can take a singular form but are composed of more than one individual person or items like a jury, team, class, or a herd. An abstract noun is a noun with the kind of word that is not angible like warmth, justice, grief, or peace.

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A collective noun is a noun that help with words that can be singular or plural. A verb is a word that describes an action or a state of being something. There are four verb forms. There is a base form, past form, present participle, and a past participle. There are seven types of verbs and they are: linking verbs, auxiliary or helping verbs, phrasal verbs, causative verbs, factitive verbs, progressive verbs, and irregular verbs. A linking verb connects a subject and its complement. Linking verbs are sometimes forms of the verb e, but are related to the five senses which are look, sound, smell, feel, and taste.

Helping or auxiliary verbs are used in conjunction with main verbs to express shades of time and mood. Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a verb and another word or phrase. They usually have a preposition. The only problem with phrasal verbs are that their meaning can often mean several different things. Causative verbs are verbs that cause an action to cause another action to happen. Factitive verbs consist of the verbs: make, choose, judge, elect, select, and name (Prepositions: Locators in Time and Place). rogressive verbs show that something has already happened or are going to happen.

An adjective is a word that describes or modifies another person or thin in a sentence. There are eight different types of adjectives. They are: determiners, observations, size and shape, age, color, origin, material, and qualifier. Determiners are articles and other limiters. Observations are post determiners and limiter adjectives and adjectives subject measure. Size and shape are adjectives subject to object measure. Age adjectives denote age. Color adjectives denote color. Origin adjectives are denominal adjectives enoting the source of the noun.

Material denomial adjectives denote what something is made of. Qualifier adjectives are the final limiter, who are often regarded as part of the noun (Grammar and Punctuation: The Parts of Speech). Adverbs change the meaning of verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, and clauses. Adverbs can be single words and they can also be phrases or clauses. There are five types of adverbs. The first type of adverb is an adverb of manner. The second adverb is the adverb of place. The third adverb is the adverb of frequency. The fourth adverb is the adverb of time.

The fifth adverb is the adverb of purpose. A pronoun is a word that takes the place Of a noun. Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the sentence. Subject pronouns are also used if they rename the subject. When someone refers to a personal pronoun it takes the verb that agrees with that pronoun. Pronouns that are singular require singular verbs. To decide whether to use the subject or object pronoun after the words than or as, mentally complete the sentence. The only time it has an apostrophe is when it is a contraction for it is or it has.

A conjunction is a joining word that connects a part of a sentence. Conjunctions have three basic forms. They are: single word, compound, and correlative. Coordinating conjunctions are used to join two parts of a sentence that are grammatically equal. Coordinating conjunctions are used to connect similar words or independent clause together (Grammar and Punctuation: The Parts of Speech). Coordinating conjunctions are often referred to with the acronym FANBOYS. Subordinating conjunctions are used to join a subordinate dependent clause to a main clause.


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