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Effective Decision Making

There are many decisions that are made throughout life. There are countless decisions that are made on a day-to-day basis. Everyone faces some easy ones and also difficult ones. Not all decisions will alter lives drastically but there are some that will, and those decisions need to be carefully thought out before deciding. It’s also important to try and make all the effective decisions possible whenever confronted with a choice. Its not as easy as just making a decision, it requires planning and weighing the outcomes. There are many ways to help making decisions much easier. Its an important skill for everyone not only business men/women.

Knowing how to make a good decision can change your life completely. Life brings changes and surprises everyday, everyone is in control of what happens by the decision that we make. First way to prepare for to make a decision is stating your problem. The more clearly the problem is stated, the easier it will be to solve. A problem is the reason for any decision and how it is interpreted is critical to any decision. Play freely with the problem statement, rewording it several times. Problems normally have some sort of preformed assumption; clear all of these when looking at a problem. That will help clarify any problem.

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Every problem that may be encountered may just be a piece of a larger problem. Looking at each individual problem and solving for each specific problem can go a long way. Breaking up problems will help determine just what the exactly problem is. This can prevent the overwhelming feeling that many people get when confronted with a large issue. Next, look at the problem from different perspectives and different views. The more similarities that are found from the different views then the more clarity you will have. Then gather as many facts as possible and combine all the information that was gathered throughout this process.

This is a crucial step in decision-making. The next important step in decision-making is setting objectives; these are what will guide us to a decision. Objectives are miniature goals, which we put inside a choice. With this we can hope to achieve much more then just the average choice. We can fulfill every possibility. With each objective there is more to realize about each possibility. The more objectives there are when planning to make a decision, the more clarity you will have for your answer. With objectives you can create a better sense of precision with your choices.

Now, the right step would be to evaluate all of your choices. Think about the possible decisions that you can realistically make. Starting by eliminating all the choices that don’t fit actual possibilities. If there is excess “baggage” then that is only more to sort through and more to spend time on that doesn’t deserve the time. The more possibilities that can be eliminated, the more time there is to focus on what could be the true decision. If only one choice comes up, the true answer may even come up with a clear decision at this point. This will help to quickly start realizing just what chances are more plausible.

The more chances that are not there, the easier it is to realize which choice might be better. There is always up’s and down’s to every situation and possibility. This is a very big part of the decision making process. Sometime thoughts enter a person’s head from previous notions that make us urge towards choices that would not normally be taken into much consideration. But when we weigh every positive and negative, it can help clear up any old thoughts that might lead us astray. It takes a lot of thought to realize every down side to a decision and all the up sides. Many aspects need to be taken into consideration.

Who will be affected by the decisions and why? Even how the decision will affect the characteristics of your life. Weighing out all the downfalls to the upsides can quickly steer to a decision. Consequences are what make or break what choices are made. Now it is time for one of the most important parts of making a decision, Judgment. Judgment is what any person feels is the best, and a decision is supposed to be based on what’s most important to the person making the decision. Judgment is what leaves the decision up to the person making it, not the people surrounding them.

If a decision doesn’t feel right to the person making it then in most cases it just is not the right decision. There is just as much gut feeling that comes into decision making as planning. There might not always be a perfect choice but following the gut feeling could very well help reach what goal and choice is best. Next reflect on the decision and what it will feel like once the choice is made. What would it feel like if a different choice were made? Would it be completely permanent or could it be reversed. These are all questions that need to be thought about before deciding.

Everything is possible so no outcome can be counted out. The more thought that is put into what could happen, the better chances of having the right outcome. When it comes to decision-making, there is no possibility of over thinking. This is the final stage, where the ultimate decision will be made. Combine all the different options that have come to play during the research and come up with the best solution possible. Before doing this, it is important to go through all the steps and recheck all the information. One very important thing that has to kept in mind is that every decision made, would have some level of risk.

Knowing the risk involved in the decision made would help the decision maker know exactly how to react to different outcomes. Now not all decisions are going to completely change the way life is lived but some are much more important then others. The final step is where you decide exactly what you want and when it is decided, make sure it is what feels best. Not only are there steps to making an effective decision but also there is much more that can help along the way. One big way to start is with planning. Not only can this eliminate a lot of questions that are not worth the time, but it can also help prepare for any situation that arises.

Organizing is a big part of planning and it makes it much easier to decide on what to pick when stuck it confusing or difficult situation. Planning to make a decision is almost as important as the decision itself. Without planning, the decision process could be a complete waste. Besides just knowing how to make decisions, there also needs to be a divider between what choices are appropriate. Most decisions have consequences; so trying to make the best and most appropriate choices possible will help avoid those. There are a few factors that will help make good and appropriate decisions.

Responsibility, big part of just of decisions revolves around this. Some decisions are not made for a choice but for a requirement. Most of the time this happens because it has been attached to a personal responsibility. This includes considering whom the decision will involve and affect. It will also include thinking about which the decision leave you responsible for. Next is something that is not brought up much when it comes to making effect decisions, but it also cause be the best way sometime. Spontaneous is just to act on a whim and make a very quick choice.

It can be very healthy and help if it is used on certain occasions. It also can be very stupid in other situations, knowing the balance between these two levels can help your daily process of making choices and help avoid making a bad decision. Finally, their needs to be a lot of thought put into the long term effects. Some decisions will not affect the world for long, but some can change many lives, and affect many factors. Long-term effects are the ones that can have an affect on our life for years to come. These decisions matter immensely and need to be carefully thought about so they need to be made appropriately.

Decisions are only worth what the person deciding them, makes them out to be. Effective decision-making changes almost everything throughout our life. Whether it is what clothes to wear for the day or what house to buy, decisions alter what happens on our day-to-day life. They need to be thought about as much as possible. Not only can we change what happens to our life but we can also affect others if we always try to make the most effective and worthwhile decisions as possible. Without thinking through decisions and trying to make the best ones possible, we would never advance through the world. We would just be guessing at every turn.


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