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Definition paper

What is a wife? Most people would define a wife as the female person in a marriage. I have been married for several years now, and I can tell you that a wife is so much more. A wife is many things, a cook, maid, accountant, friend, nurse and support system.
To be a wife is to be a cook. If I didn’t cook, we wouldn’t eat. My husband doesn’t cook so, my option was to learn how to cook or starve. We don’t have the money to eat out every night so, I learned how to cook. I make sure my husband has a meal waiting for him when he gets home. He works various long hours. Usually, by the time he makes it to the house he is very tired and hungry. I like to make sure he is well fed. We usually eat lunch together, so I try to make him a nice lunch every day. He is usually on his own for breakfast, as we both leave the house early, so I make sure we have some cold food available for this meal. Being a cook is part of being a wife.
A wife is also a maid. My husband is not the neatest person. I am constantly picking up after him. He leaves his clothes laying all over the floor, and I have to clean them up. I do all of the laundry in the house which can be a great task. My husband wears a uniform to work, and he changes clothes when he gets home. I wear an outfit everyday as well. That is three outfits a day! No wonder I don’t ever get all of the laundry done. I also, as a wife, clean our house. I dust, vacuum, clean the floors, wash the windows and do the dishes! I clean every day, otherwise, I would never be done. Being a maid is part of being a wife.
A wife is an accountant. When it comes to money, I handle it all in my household. One of the things I do is keep track of the bills, and when the payments are due. Some bills I pay online, others I write checks for, and some I pay in person. The one’s that I write the checks for have to be mailed, so I make sure they get in the mailbox at least five days before the due date. Paying bills online is easy, and usually, can be…


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