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Culture (407 words)

There are two languages spoken in Muy Calentie, Spanish and English. All citizens are born to speak Spanish and go to school to learn English. The religion is mainly catholic, but there are some other religions in Muy Calentie as well, including Christians and atheism. There are five small churches around the island which each have two priests at each church. The main Priest name is father Juan who travels to all the different churches to share a good presentation about Catholics.
When it comes to holidays they celebrate every holiday any other country celebrates. There are many holidays including Christmas, thanksgiving, Easter, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, Muy Calentie day, and even nude beach day where all the beaches are turned into nude ones on February 31st. Muy Calentie day is on May 30. May 30th was the day that the island was discovered, so On that day everybody that lives on the island gathers on the beaches for a day and plays volleyball, soccer, and lots of swimming. This is done as a community, and it makes the community connected with each other and will always look out for one another. The national sport of the island is soccer but they also play a lot of beach volleyball. Muy Calentie is a very tourist place so we offer a lot of recreational activities, including surfing, hang-gliding, swimming, and hiking.
The fashion is just what you would expect, a lot of summer wear: tank tops, shorts, bathing suits, and t-shirts. There are many places to buy these types of clothing along the beach too.
When it comes to the arts like dance, music, poetry Muy calliente residents really succeeded at it. Everyone is very musically inclined and if you walk down the board walks around the beach you can see local artist, musicians and little pottery gifts. Most people after grade school end up going to fine art schools.
Kids go to school from k-12 and once they graduate 89% of them go to a university or college. Most people stay on the island to go to school to attend one of the two colleges or the one university around the island. Lots of people end up studying the arts.

These are just some of the recreational activities that happen on Muy Calentie 4000020000
These are just some of the recreational activities that happen on Muy Calentie Recreational activities 264795049695100028987753039110-466725254063500right9594850029527574739500


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