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Criminal Acts and Criminology Theories Response

The crime control model reflects that all components of the criminal justice system work together for one purpose which is to enforce the law by reducing and preventing crime, ensure public safety, investigate crimes, apprehend offenders, and protect the rights and freedoms of individuals (Schmalleger, 2011).

The due process model deals with the corrections and court side of the law by respecting the legal and human rights of the accused, provides safe custody and supervision of the accused, carry out sentencing of the accused, rehabilitate, and reform the accused so one can reintegrate back in society (Schmalleger, 2011). The courts are responsible to ensure due process, conduct fair trials, determine guilt or innocence, impose sentencing on the convicted, and check on the distribution of power within the criminal justice system (Schmalleger, 2011).

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Criminology theories suggest individuals commit crimes for different reasons. One reason is biological. Biological criminology says criminal can be identified by physical characteristics or genetic makeup and treating this criminal is ineffective except when aggression is used (Schmalleger, 2011). The second theory of criminology is psychological which says crime is a result of conditioning from inappropriate behavior or a disease mind, and most criminals will need extensive behavioral theory (Schmalleger, 2011).

Another criminology theory is social process. This theory states crime is from a failure of self-direction, inadequate social roles, and association with other defiant individuals (Schmalleger, 2011). Social policy places change on the individual (Schmalleger, 2011). One last criminology theory is sociological when society has relative degrees of organization and disorganization this contributes to criminal behavior (Schmalleger, 2011).


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