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Crime and Crime Prevention

Out Of all Of the crimes committed over the internet the theft of money from there is the largest due to a number of reasons, however the main reason is that its probably the easiest to do as more and more people are buying and selling products ova ere the internet with the use of credit or debit cards. Criminals are easily able to access these details if members of the public aren’t careful with their details, for example if a member ere of the public puts their details into an unsecured website there is a great risk of a criminal o obtaining this information.

Crime prevention has been massively improved with the introit action of tracking devices, CATV’ (Close Circuit Television), face recognition software and hacking which can, when used correctly, be used to trace the location or activity of a criminal. Per seasonally, CATV has never effected or helped me, but I have known people who have had thee r vehicle or important items stolen from vehicles; CATV helped them to identify the theft and in one case retrieve the stolen item This is a table showing the amount of people per year that have fallen a victim to some form of cybercafé Victims per year 556 million Victims per day Over 1. Million Victims per second 18 Identities exposed More than 232. 4 million Crime and crime prevention was handed in very different ways before CIT WA s introduced. Some of the biggest crimes today are committed over the internet and using I CT, which shows that in the wrong hands these technologies can cause crimes. However , crime prevention has improved massively through the use Of CIT.

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New technologies such as OCW (Close circuit television) have been introduced. CATV monitors a specific area depending where the camera is placed; usually there are multiple placed in one area to e ensure all areas of the building or highest are covered, This allows crimes to be seen as the y are happening to allow police to act immediately or, if the CATV is not being monitored at that t exact time, Iranians can be identified by the CATV footage of themselves.

CATV is also us feel for tracking the movement of people, for example, if a person in missing they coo old have been spotted on CATV which then shows the direction in which they are traveling which ultimately can allow police to possibly track them. CATV is also used as a deterrent, this means to stop criminals committing a criminal act before they have committed it. The idea b Ewing that if they commit a crime they will get caught, so the basic overall message it IS sending is it’s not worth it.

Combining the data from six separate UK studies shows a marked and stats tactically significant reduction in vehicle-related crimes. The review found that overall crime decreased by 51% In sites operate Eng CATV compared to areas where there was no such intervention However, there are some drawbacks; This type of technology is more effective preventing the theft of v icicles, whereas it has no impact on violent or some serious crimes. CATV is also not effective within cyber crimes.

Overall CATV’ does have a good impact on crime prevention but, ACT/ can be easily broken by offenders and is also only effective in some less serious crimes. Other technologies have also helped crime prevention such as tasters. Tasters re a small kinglike technology that shoots two small dart like electrodes that stay connect Ted to the unit through a conductive wire. Modern day polypeptides tasters are designed to p entreat thick clothing and dig into the offender so they cannot be removed once in place.

T users stop the brains ability to control the muscles in the body which ultimately stops the off ender from fleeing. Tasters are also an advantage for the police as they allow distance bet when the offender and the police officer, which is better than using items such as a bat on or pepper spray. This is particularly useful for violent offenders as a taste can deter the c minimal without the officer being a risk of injury. However in the wrong hands, tasters can be u seed as an offensive weapon, this is an obvious disadvantage. Crimes that are being committed are becoming more complicated and harder to stop.

Crimes such as hacking are becoming a huge problem-Hacking can be used in many different ways, in most cases criminals use hacking to then commit another crime. For exam Peeler hacking can be used to obtain protected information such as government documents, wit h this information, the offender could leak It, which could then expose this important information n to more serious Iranians With this knowledge, criminals could cause massive problems for the e government; this is a tactic used often by terrorists. Hacking can be used to create fraud.

T he first way is SQL injection which allows someone to have complete access to all of your file s. The second way is remote access which also gives a person access to all your files. This the en allows them to easily obtain everything they can to be used to create fraud. Finally the last way hackers get into people files is through the lack of security. Everyone should have some e kind of additional security on their computers so that they don’t get hacked into. Hack ins is one of the major forms of identity theft and is also one of the hardest to stop.

Law enforce cement struggle greatly trying to stop hacking, one of the only methods stopping hacking is to prevent it happening in the first place. Large companies, banks and government doc nets have to be protected by the highest form Of security but all forms Of security rely on NCR waypoint. Encryptions is a process of encoding information in a way that only the peers n or computer with the key can decode it. This is an advantage for crime prevention as this p reverts people from hacking into systems, or at least delays them enough so they can be off d before they complete the act of hacking.


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