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Composition I: Privacy and the Art of Writing

Young Harris College, Fall 2017
Dr. Matthew Steven Bruen
Essay #3: Government, Surveillance, and Privacy
Please author a 4-6 page essay (one inch margins, double-spaced, size 12
Garamond, Times New Roman, or Baskerville font) providing an original
argument related to the class’s unit on government, surveillance, and
privacy. When thinking of your topic it may be helpful to consider the
conversations we have had regarding the Edward Snowden controversy.

The goal should be to produce a clear and concise argumentative paper
through your own unique reasoning. Accordingly, there is not a set topic.

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You must choose your own; this is an important aspect of any undergraduate
English class. As this class has repeatedly endeavored to show, privacy and
government collisions are pervasive, so you shouldn’t have any trouble
coming up with an argument. When you think of privacy and the government,
what comes immediately to mind? Push against that angle with your writing.

Recall our class conversations, and review any notes you took during our
time together, as well as any you took during your personal reading of the
texts. Some of the things your classmates said, or that I said, might come
in handy when you start drafting your essay.

Please bring your computers/tablets/typewriters on Thursday, November
2nd. Our whole class period will be devoted to in class writing that

The final essay is due, in class, on Thursday, November 9th.


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